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3 (a) Leigh, a public limited company, purchased the whole of the share capital of Hash, a limited company, on 1 June

2006. The whole of the share capital of Hash was formerly owned by the five directors of Hash and under the

terms of the purchase agreement, the five directors were to receive a total of three million ordinary shares of $1

of Leigh on 1 June 2006 (market value $6 million) and a further 5,000 shares per director on 31 May 2007,

if they were still employed by Leigh on that date. All of the directors were still employed by Leigh at 31 May


Leigh granted and issued fully paid shares to its own employees on 31 May 2007. Normally share options issued

to employees would vest over a three year period, but these shares were given as a bonus because of the

company’s exceptional performance over the period. The shares in Leigh had a market value of $3 million

(one million ordinary shares of $1 at $3 per share) on 31 May 2007 and an average fair value of

$2·5 million (one million ordinary shares of $1 at $2·50 per share) for the year ended 31 May 2007. It is

expected that Leigh’s share price will rise to $6 per share over the next three years. (10 marks)


Discuss with suitable computations how the above share based transactions should be accounted for in the

financial statements of Leigh for the year ended 31 May 2007.



(a) The shares issued to the management of Hash by Leigh (three million ordinary shares of $1) for the purchase of the companywould not be accounted for under IFRS2 ‘Share-based payment’ but would be dealt with under IFRS3 ‘BusinessCombinations’.The cost



(ii) Explain the accounting treatment under IAS39 of the loan to Bromwich in the financial statements of

Ambush for the year ended 30 November 2005. (4 marks)



(ii) There is objective evidence of impairment because of the financial difficulties and reorganisation of Bromwich. Theimpairment loss on the loan will be calculated by discounting the estimated future cash flows. The future cash flowswill be $100,000 on



2 Tyre, a public limited company, operates in the vehicle retailing sector. The company is currently preparing its financial

statements for the year ended 31 May 2006 and has asked for advice on how to deal with the following items:

(i) Tyre requires customers to pay a deposit of 20% of the purchase price when placing an order for a vehicle. If the

customer cancels the order, the deposit is not refundable and Tyre retains it. If the order cannot be fulfilled by

Tyre, the company repays the full amount of the deposit to the customer. The balance of the purchase price

becomes payable on the delivery of the vehicle when the title to the goods passes. Tyre proposes to recognise

the revenue from the deposits immediately and the balance of the purchase price when the goods are delivered

to the customer. The cost of sales for the vehicle is recognised when the balance of the purchase price is paid.

Additionally, Tyre had sold a fleet of cars to Hub and gave Hub a discount of 30% of the retail price on the

transaction. The discount given is normal for this type of transaction. Tyre has given Hub a buyback option which

entitles Hub to require Tyre to repurchase the vehicles after three years for 40% of the purchase price. The normal

economic life of the vehicles is five years and the buyback option is expected to be exercised. (8 marks)


Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended

31 May 2006.

(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)



2 Advice on sundry accounting issues: year ended 31 May 2006The following details the nature of the advice relevant to the accounting issues.Revenue recognition(i) Sale to customersIAS18 ‘Revenue’ requires that revenue relating to the sale of goods is rec



(ii) The property of the former administrative centre of Tyre is owned by the company. Tyre had decided in the year

that the property was surplus to requirements and demolished the building on 10 June 2006. After demolition,

the company will have to carry out remedial environmental work, which is a legal requirement resulting from the

demolition. It was intended that the land would be sold after the remedial work had been carried out. However,

land prices are currently increasing in value and, therefore, the company has decided that it will not sell the land

immediately. Tyres uses the ‘cost model’ in IAS16 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ and has owned the property

for many years. (7 marks)


Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended

31 May 2006.

(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)



(ii) Former administrative buildingThe land and buildings of the former administrative centre are accounted for as separate elements. The demolition of thebuilding is an indicator of the impairment of the property under IAS36. The building will not genera



(b) On 31 May 2007, Leigh purchased property, plant and equipment for $4 million. The supplier has agreed to

accept payment for the property, plant and equipment either in cash or in shares. The supplier can either choose

1·5 million shares of the company to be issued in six months time or to receive a cash payment in three months

time equivalent to the market value of 1·3 million shares. It is estimated that the share price will be $3·50 in

three months time and $4 in six months time.

Additionally, at 31 May 2007, one of the directors recently appointed to the board has been granted the right to

choose either 50,000 shares of Leigh or receive a cash payment equal to the current value of 40,000 shares at

the settlement date. This right has been granted because of the performance of the director during the year and

is unconditional at 31 May 2007. The settlement date is 1 July 2008 and the company estimates the fair value

of the share alternative is $2·50 per share at 31 May 2007. The share price of Leigh at 31 May 2007 is $3 per

share, and if the director chooses the share alternative, they must be kept for a period of four years. (9 marks)


Discuss with suitable computations how the above share based transactions should be accounted for in the

financial statements of Leigh for the year ended 31 May 2007.



(b) Transactions that allow choice of settlement are accounted for as cash-settled to the extent that the entity has incurred aliability (IFRS2 para 34). The share based transaction is treated as the issuance of a compound financial instrument. IFRS2appli



(b) Explain the matters you should consider before accepting an engagement to conduct a due diligence review

of MCM. (10 marks)



(b) Matters to be considered (before accepting the engagement)Tutorial note: Although candidates may approach this part from a rote-learned list of ‘matters to consider’ it is importantthat answer points be tailored, in so far as the information given in



(ii) the strategy of the business regarding its treasury policies. (3 marks)

(Marks will be awarded in part (b) for the identification and discussion of relevant points and for the style. of the




(ii) Strategy of the business regarding its treasury policiesTreasury policies are reviewed regularly by the Board. It is group policy to account for all financial instruments as cashflow hedges. As a result, changes in the fair values of financial instru



(c) Discuss the ways in which budgets and the budgeting process can be used to motivate managers to

endeavour to meet the objectives of the company. Your answer should refer to:

(i) setting targets for financial performance;

(ii) participation in the budget-setting process. (12 marks)



(c) Examiner’s Note:The topic of managerial motivation and budgeting has been a subject of discussion for a number of years. There are linkshere to the topics of performance measurement and responsibility accounting. Discussion should be focused on the ar



1 Oliver Hoppe has been working at Hoopers and Henderson accountancy practice for eighteen months. He feels that

he fits in well, especially with his colleagues and has learnt a lot from them. However, he feels that the rules and

regulations governing everyday activities and time keeping are not clear.

Oliver does not get on well with his line manager, David Morgan. There appears to be a clash of personalities and

reluctance on David Morgan’s part to deal with the icy atmosphere between them after David was asked by one of

the accounting partners to give Oliver a job. For the past three months Oliver has gone to lunch with his fellow workers

and always returned to work with them or before them. In fact they all have returned to work about ten minutes late

on several previous occasions. After the third time, Oliver was called into David Morgan’s office and given an oral

warning about his time keeping.

Oliver was not permitted to argue his case and none of the other staff who returned late were disciplined in this way.

On the next occasion the group was late returning from lunch, David Morgan presented Oliver with a written warning

about his time keeping.

Yesterday, Oliver was five minutes late returning to work. His colleagues returned after him. David Morgan gave Oliver

notice and told him to work until the end of the week and then collect his salary, the necessary paperwork and to

leave the practice.

There is a partner responsible for human resources. Oliver has come to see the partner to discuss the grievance

procedures against David Morgan for his treatment and about what Oliver regards as unfair dismissal.


(a) Describe the six stages of a formal disciplinary procedure that an organisation such as Hoopers and

Henderson should have in place. (12 marks)



1 OverviewA grievance occurs when an individual thinks that he or she has been wrongly treated by colleagues or management, especiallyin disciplinary matters. An unresolved feeling of grievance can often lead to further problems for the organisation. The



(b) Advise on the capital gains implications should Trent Limited’s old building be sold as proposed. Support your

advice with relevant calculations. (4 marks)



This gives a higher post-entry loss of £50,000 (150,000 – 100,000) and so it is advisable for Trent Limited to makethis election.The £100,000 of pre-entry losses are still available, but can only be set against gains on assets which:(i) Trent Limited sold



(ii) the directors agree to disclose the note. (4 marks)



(ii) If the directors agree to disclose the note, it should be reviewed by the auditors to ensure that it is sufficiently detailed.In evaluating the adequacy of the disclosure in the note, the auditor should consider whether the disclosure explicitlydraws

