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4 All organisations require trained employees. However, training can take many forms, some of which are internal to the organisation.


Explain what is meant by the terms:

(a) Computer based training. (3 marks)



4 All organisations need appropriately trained employees. Due to the nature of modern business, especially the professions, much of this training is internal and often on a one to one basis. Accountants as managers should therefore be able to understand t



5 All managers need to understand the importance of motivation in the workplace.


(a) Explain the ‘content theory’ of motivation. (5 marks)



5 The way in which managers treat their employees can significantly influence the satisfaction that the employees derive from their work and thus the overall success of the organisation. Understanding the importance of motivation is therefore an important



(d) Explain to the management of Bailey’s why consideration should be given to resolving the problems through:

(i) job rotation; (5 marks)



(d) (i) Job rotation is the planned rotation of staff between jobs and tasks to reduce monotony and boredom and provide fresh opportunities and challenges. This could be a useful way of encouraging employees at Bailey’s alongside enrichment and enlargemen



(b) Paying a dividend of 10c per share (1 mark)



(b) Paying a dividend of 10c per share.There are insufficient retained earnings to pay a dividend of more than 5c per share.



(d) Combining all reserves into a single figure. (2 marks)



(d) It is not possible to combine the reserves as suggested. IAS1 Presentation of financial statements requires retained earningsto be shown seperately from other reserves.



1 The board of Worldwide Minerals (WM) was meeting for the last monthly meeting before the publication of the yearend

results. There were two points of discussion on the agenda. First was the discussion of the year-end results;

second was the crucial latest minerals reserves report.

WM is a large listed multinational company that deals with natural minerals that are extracted from the ground,

processed and sold to a wide range of industrial and construction companies. In order to maintain a consistent supply

of minerals into its principal markets, an essential part of WM’s business strategy is the seeking out of new sources

and the measurement of known reserves. Investment analysts have often pointed out that WM’s value rests principally

upon the accuracy of its reserve reports as these are the best indicators of future cash flows and earnings. In order to

support this key part of its strategy, WM has a large and well-funded geological survey department which, according

to the company website, contains ‘some of the world’s best geologists and minerals scientists’. In its investor relations

literature, the company claims that:

‘our experts search the earth for mineral reserves and once located, they are carefully measured so that the company

can always report on known reserves. This knowledge underpins market confidence and keeps our customers

supplied with the inventory they need. You can trust our reserve reports – our reputation depends on it!’

At the board meeting, the head of the geological survey department, Ranjana Tyler, reported that there was a problem

with the latest report because one of the major reserve figures had recently been found to be wrong. The mineral in

question, mallerite, was WM’s largest mineral in volume terms and Ranjana explained that the mallerite reserves in

a deep mine in a certain part of the world had been significantly overestimated. She explained that, based on the

interim minerals report, the stock market analysts were expecting WM to announce known mallerite reserves of

4·8 billion tonnes. The actual figure was closer to 2·4 billion tonnes. It was agreed that this difference was sufficient

to affect WM’s market value, despite the otherwise good results for the past year. Vanda Monroe, the finance director,

said that the share price reflects market confidence in future earnings. She said that an announcement of an incorrect

estimation like that for mallerite would cause a reduction in share value. More importantly for WM itself, however, it

could undermine confidence in the geological survey department. All agreed that as this was strategically important

for the company, it was a top priority to deal with this problem.

Ranjana explained how the situation had arisen. The major mallerite mine was in a country new to WM’s operations.

The WM engineer at the mine said it was difficult to deal with some local people because, according to the engineer,

‘they didn’t like to give us bad news’. The engineer explained that when the mine was found to be smaller than

originally thought, he was not told until it was too late to reduce the price paid for the mine. This was embarrassing

and it was agreed that it would affect market confidence in WM if it was made public.

The board discussed the options open to it. The chairman, who was also a qualified accountant, was Tim Blake. He

began by expressing serious concern about the overestimation and then invited the board to express views freely. Gary

Howells, the operations director, said that because disclosing the error to the market would be so damaging, it might

be best to keep it a secret and hope that new reserves can be found in the near future that will make up for the

shortfall. He said that it was unlikely that this concealment would be found out as shareholders trusted WM and they

had many years of good investor relations to draw on. Vanda Monroe, the finance director, reminded the board that

the company was bound to certain standards of truthfulness and transparency by its stock market listing. She pointed

out that they were constrained by codes of governance and ethics by the stock market and that colleagues should be

aware that WM would be in technical breach of these if the incorrect estimation was concealed from investors. Finally,

Martin Chan, the human resources director, said that the error should be disclosed to the investors because he would

not want to be deceived if he were an outside investor in the company. He argued that whatever the governance codes

said and whatever the cost in terms of reputation and market value, WM should admit its error and cope with

whatever consequences arose. The WM board contains three non-executive directors and their views were also


At the preliminary results presentation some time later, one analyst, Christina Gonzales, who had become aware of

the mallerite problem, asked about internal audit and control systems, and whether they were adequate in such a

reserve-sensitive industry. WM’s chairman, Tim Blake, said that he intended to write a letter to all investors and

analysts in the light of the mallerite problem which he hoped would address some of the issues that Miss Gonzales

had raised.


(a) Define ‘transparency’ and evaluate its importance as an underlying principle in corporate governance and in

relevant and reliable financial reporting. Your answer should refer to the case as appropriate. (10 marks)



(a) Transparency and its importance at WMDefine transparencyTransparency is one of the underlying principles of corporate governance. As such, it is one of the ‘building blocks’ thatunderpin a sound system of governance. In particular, transparency is req



(b) Explain Kohlberg’s three levels of moral development and identify the levels of moral development

demonstrated by the contributions of Gary Howells, Vanda Monroe and Martin Chan. (12 marks)



(b) Kohlberg’s levels of moral developmentDescription of levelsKohlberg described human moral development in terms of three consecutive levels.Preconventional moral responses view morality in terms of rewards, punishments and whether or not the act will b



(c) Critically discuss FOUR principal roles of non-executive directors and explain the potential tensions between

these roles that WM’s non-executive directors may experience in advising on the disclosure of the

overestimation of the mallerite reserve. (12 marks)



(c) Non-executive directorsRoles of NEDsNon-executive directors have four principal roles.The strategy role recognises that NEDs are full members of the board and thus have the right and responsibility to contributeto the strategic success of the organisa



(d) Draft a letter for Tim Blake to send to WM’s investors to include the following:

(i) why you believe robust internal controls to be important; and

(ii) proposals on how internal systems might be improved in the light of the overestimation of mallerite at


Note: four professional marks are available within the marks allocated to requirement (d) for the structure,

content, style. and layout of the letter.

(16 marks)



You will be aware of the importance of accurate resource valuation to Worldwide Minerals (WM). Unfortunately, I have toinform. you that the reserve of mallerite, one of our key minerals in a new area of exploration, was found to have beenoverestimated aft



(c) Define ‘market risk’ for Mr Allejandra and explain why Gluck and Goodman’s market risk exposure is

increased by failing to have an effective audit committee. (5 marks)



(c) Market riskDefinition of market riskMarket risks are those arising from any of the markets that a company operates in. Most common examples are those risksfrom resource markets (inputs), product markets (outputs) or capital markets (finance).[Tutorial



(c) Mr Cobar, the chief executive of SHC, has decided to draft two alternative statements to explain both possible

outcomes of the secrecy/licensing decision to shareholders. Once the board has decided which one to pursue,

the relevant draft will be included in a voluntary section of the next corporate annual report.


(i) Draft a statement in the event that the board chooses the secrecy option. It should make a convincing

business case and put forward ethical arguments for the secrecy option. The ethical arguments should

be made from the stockholder (or pristine capitalist) perspective. (8 marks)

(ii) Draft a statement in the event that the board chooses the licensing option. It should make a convincing

business case and put forward ethical arguments for the licensing option. The ethical arguments should

be made from the wider stakeholder perspective. (8 marks)

(iii) Professional marks for the persuasiveness and logical flow of arguments: two marks per statement.

(4 marks)



(c) (i) For the secrecy optionImportant developments at SHCThis is an exciting time for the management and shareholders of Swan Hill Company. The research and developmentstaff at SHC have made a groundbreaking discovery (called the ‘sink method’) that wil

