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Matthew Black is well aware that the achievement of the growth targets for the 2005 to 2007 period will depend on

successful implementation of the strategy, affecting all parts of the company’s activities.

(c) Explain the key issues affecting implementation and the changes necessary to achieve Universal’s ambitious

growth strategy. (15 marks)



(c) Matthew has set ambitious growth goals for the 2005–7 period in his quest to become ‘unquestioned leader’ in their regionand to roll out the model nationally. Clearly there are choices to be made in terms of implementing the strategy and much ofthe su



(d) What criteria would you use to assess whether Universal is an ‘excellent’ company? (5 marks)



(d) One of the most widely used models to identify excellence is that of Peters and Waterman developed in their research intoexcellent American companies. Interestingly, they agreed with Leavitt in that the companies identified as excellent, whetherthey w



3 The directors of Panel, a public limited company, are reviewing the procedures for the calculation of the deferred tax

provision for their company. They are quite surprised at the impact on the provision caused by changes in accounting

standards such as IFRS1 ‘First time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards’ and IFRS2 ‘Share-based

Payment’. Panel is adopting International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time as at 31 October 2005 and

the directors are unsure how the deferred tax provision will be calculated in its financial statements ended on that

date including the opening provision at 1 November 2003.


(a) (i) Explain how changes in accounting standards are likely to have an impact on the provision for deferred

taxation under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’. (5 marks)



(a) (i) IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’ adopts a balance sheet approach to accounting for deferred taxation. The IAS adopts a fullprovision approach to accounting for deferred taxation. It is assumed that the recovery of all assets and the settlementof all liabiliti



(ii) Describe the basis for the calculation of the provision for deferred taxation on first time adoption of IFRS

including the provision in the opening IFRS balance sheet. (4 marks)



(ii) A company has to apply IAS12 to the temporary differences between the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities inits opening IFRS balance sheet (1 November 2003) and their tax bases (IFRS1 ‘First time adoption of IFRS’). Thedeferred tax provisio



Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part.

(b) Explain the consequences of filing the VAT returns late and advise Fred how he should deal with the

underpayment and bad debt for VAT purposes. Your explanation should be supported by relevant

calculations. (10 marks)



(b) Late filing of VAT returnsThe late filing of two or more VAT returns within the period of one year will give rise to a default surcharge. This occurs wheneither– The return is late and/or– The payment is late.Customs & Excise will serve a surcharg



(b) (i) Advise Alasdair of the tax implications and relative financial risks attached to the following property


(1) buy to let residential property;

(2) commercial property; and

(3) shares in a property investment company/unit trust. (9 marks)



(b) (i) Income tax:Direct investment in residential or commercial propertyThe income will be taxed under Schedule A for both residential and commercial property investment. Expenses can beoffset against income under the normal trading rules. These will in



(c) (i) Provide three examples of personal financial planning protection products that would be of use in

Henry’s situation. Justify your selections by reference to the type of protection provided. (6 marks)



(c) (i) Protection productsHenry is still working and has a mortgage to support. He therefore needs to protect not only his assets but also coverany debt, or the ability to repay. The following protection policies are relevant to Henry’s situation.Life as



4 Assume today’s date is 15 May 2005.

In March 1999, Bob was made redundant from his job as a furniture salesman. He decided to travel round the world,

and did so, returning to the UK in May 2001. Bob then decided to set up his own business selling furniture. He

started trading on 1 October 2001. After some initial success, the business made losses as Bob tried to win more

customers. However, he was eventually successful, and the business subsequently made profits.

The results for Bob’s business were as follows:

Period Schedule D Case I

Trading Profits/(losses)

1 October 2001 – 30 April 2002 13,500

1 May 2002 – 30 April 2003 (18,000)

1 May 2003 – 30 April 2004 28,000

Bob required funds to help start his business, so he raised money in three ways:

(1) Bob is a keen cricket fan, and in the 1990s, he collected many books on cricket players. To raise money, Bob

started selling books from his collection. These had risen considerably in value and sold for between £150 and

£300 per book. None of the books forms part of a set. Bob created an internet website to advertise the books.

Bob has not declared this income, as he believes that the proceeds from selling the books are non-taxable.

(2) He disposed of two paintings and an antique silver coffee set at auction on 1 December 2004, realising

chargeable gains totalling £23,720.

(3) Bob took a part time job in a furniture store on 1 January 2003. His annual salary has remained at £12,600

per year since he started this employment.

Bob has 5,000 shares in Willis Ltd, an unquoted trading company based in the UK. He subscribed for these shares

in August 2000, paying £3 per share. On 1 December 2004, Bob received a letter informing him that the company

had gone into receivership. As a result, his shares were almost worthless. The receivers dealing with the company

estimated that on the liquidation of the company, he would receive no more than 10p per share for his shareholding.

He has not yet received any money.


(a) Write a letter to Bob advising him on whether or not he is correct in believing that his book sales are nontaxable.

Your advice should include reference to the badges of trade and their application to this case.

(9 marks)



(a) Evidence of trading[Client address][Own address][Date]Dear Bob,I note that you have been selling some books in order to raise some extra income. While you believe that the sums are nottaxable, I believe that there may be a risk of the book sales being



(ii) Briefly outline the tax consequences for Henry if the types of protection identified in (i) were to be

provided for him by Happy Home Ltd compared to providing them for himself. You are not required to

discuss the corporation tax (CT) consequences for Happy Home Ltd. (4 marks)



(ii) Provision of protection: company or individualIf any of the policies are taken out and paid for by Henry personally, then there will be no tax relief on the premiums,but neither will there normally be any tax payable on the proceeds or benefits recei



(ii) State, giving reasons, the tax reliefs in relation to inheritance tax (IHT) and capital gains tax (CGT) which

would be available to Alasdair if he acquires the warehouse and leases it to Gallus & Co, rather than to

an unconnected tenant. (4 marks)



(ii) Apart from the fact that Alasdair can keep an eye on his tenant, the main advantages are twofold:IHT: If the firm are the tenants, the property will be land and buildings used in a business carried on by a partnershipin which the donor is a partner.



(c) State any reliefs Bob could claim regarding the fall in value of his shares in Willis Ltd, and describe how the

operation of any such reliefs could reduce Bob’s taxable income. (4 marks)

Relevant retail price index figures are:

September 1990 129·3

April 1998 162·6

December 2004 189·9



(c) Claims for capital lossesWhere the value of shares (a chargeable asset) has become negligible (defined as <5% of the original cost), a claim can bemade to treat the asset as though it was sold and then immediately reacquired for its current market

