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4 At an academic conference, a debate took place on the implementation of corporate governance practices in

developing countries. Professor James West from North America argued that one of the key needs for developing

countries was to implement rigorous systems of corporate governance to underpin investor confidence in businesses

in those countries. If they did not, he warned, there would be no lasting economic growth as potential foreign inward

investors would be discouraged from investing.

In reply, Professor Amy Leroi, herself from a developing country, reported that many developing countries are

discussing these issues at governmental level. One issue, she said, was about whether to adopt a rules-based or a

principles-based approach. She pointed to evidence highlighting a reduced number of small and medium sized initial

public offerings in New York compared to significant growth in London. She suggested that this change could be

attributed to the costs of complying with Sarbanes-Oxley in the United States and that over-regulation would be the

last thing that a developing country would need. She concluded that a principles-based approach, such as in the

United Kingdom, was preferable for developing countries.

Professor Leroi drew attention to an important section of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to illustrate her point. The key

requirement of that section was to externally report on – and have attested (verified) – internal controls. This was, she

argued, far too ambitious for small and medium companies that tended to dominate the economies of developing


Professor West countered by saying that whilst Sarbanes-Oxley may have had some problems, it remained the case

that it regulated corporate governance in the ‘largest and most successful economy in the world’. He said that rules

will sometimes be hard to follow but that is no reason to abandon them in favour of what he referred to as ‘softer’


(a) There are arguments for both rules and principles-based approaches to corporate governance.


(i) Describe the essential features of a rules-based approach to corporate governance; (3 marks)



(a) (i) Describe rules-basedIn a rules-based jurisdiction, corporate governance provisions are legally binding and enforceable in law.Non-compliance is punishable by fines or ultimately (in extremis) by delisting and director prosecutions.There is limited



(c) Briefly describe the principal audit work to be performed in respect of the carrying amount of the following

items in the balance sheet:

(i) development expenditure on the Fox model; (3 marks)



(c) Principal audit work(i) Development expenditure on the Fox model■ Agree opening balance, $6·3 million, to prior year working papers.■ Physically inspect assembly plant/factory where the Fox is being developed and any vehicles so far manufactured(e.g.



(c) In April 2006, Keffler was banned by the local government from emptying waste water into a river because the

water did not meet minimum standards of cleanliness. Keffler has made a provision of $0·9 million for the

technological upgrading of its water purifying process and included $45,000 for the penalties imposed in ‘other

provisions’. (5 marks)


For each of the above issues:

(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Keffler Co for the year ended

31 March 2006.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.



(c) Ban on emptying waste water(i) Matter■ $0·9m provision for upgrading the process represents 45% PBT and is very material. This provision is alsomaterial to the balance sheet (2·7% of total assets).■ The provision for penalties is immaterial (2·2% PBT



(b) As a newly-qualified Chartered Certified Accountant in Boleyn & Co, you have been assigned to assist the ethics

partner in developing ethical guidance for the firm. In particular, you have been asked to draft guidance on the

following frequently asked questions (‘FAQs’) that will be circulated to all staff through Boleyn & Co’s intranet:

(i) What Information Technology services can we offer to audit clients? (5 marks)


For EACH of the three FAQs, explain the threats to objectivity that may arise and the safeguards that should

be available to manage them to an acceptable level.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three questions.



(b) FAQs(i) Information Technology (IT) servicesThe greatest threats to independence arise from the provision of any service which involves auditors in:■ auditing their own work;■ the decision-making process;■ undertaking management functions of the clien



(iii) the warranty provision. (3 marks)



(iii) Warranty provision■ Agree the principal assumptions in management’s estimate of liabilities under warranties to the terms of warrantyas set out in contracts for sale of vehicle. For example:– the period for which warranties are given;– whether for p



4 (a) The purpose of ISA 510 ‘Initial Engagements – Opening Balances’ is to establish standards and provide guidance

regarding opening balances when the financial statements are audited for the first time or when the financial

statements for the prior period were audited by another auditor.


Explain the auditor’s reporting responsibilities that are specific to initial engagements. (5 marks)



4 JOHNSTON CO(a) Reporting responsibilities specific to initial engagementsFor initial audit engagements, the auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that:■ the opening balances do not contain misstatements that materially affect the c



(ii) Can we entertain our clients as a gesture of goodwill or is corporate hospitality ruled out? (3 marks)


For EACH of the three FAQs, explain the threats to objectivity that may arise and the safeguards that should

be available to manage them to an acceptable level.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three questions.



(ii) Corporate hospitalityA partner in an audit firm is obviously in a position to influence the conduct and outcome of an audit. Therefore apartner being on ‘too friendly’ terms with an audit client creates a familiarity threat. Other members of the audi



(b) Describe the principal matters that should be included in your firm’s submission to provide internal audit

services to RBG. (10 marks)



(b) Principal matters to be included in submission to provide internal audit services■ Introduction/background – details about York including its organisation (of functions), offices (locations) and number ofinternal auditors working within each office. T



(c) Explain the possible impact of RBG outsourcing its internal audit services on the audit of the financial

statements by Grey & Co. (4 marks)



(c) Impact on the audit of the financial statementsTutorial note: The answer to this part should reflect that it is not the external auditor who is providing the internal auditservices. Thus comments regarding objectivity impairment are not relevant.■ As



(iii) Can audit teams cross sell services to their clients? (4 marks)


For EACH of the three FAQs, explain the threats to objectivity that may arise and the safeguards that should

be available to manage them to an acceptable level.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three questions.



(iii) Cross selling servicesThe practice of cross selling is intended to give incentives to members of audit teams to concentrate their efforts on theselling of non-audit services to audit clients.It is not inappropriate for an audit firm to cross sell or



(b) You are the audit manager of Johnston Co, a private company. The draft consolidated financial statements for

the year ended 31 March 2006 show profit before taxation of $10·5 million (2005 – $9·4 million) and total

assets of $55·2 million (2005 – $50·7 million).

Your firm was appointed auditor of Tiltman Co when Johnston Co acquired all the shares of Tiltman Co in March

2006. Tiltman’s draft financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006 show profit before taxation of

$0·7 million (2005 – $1·7 million) and total assets of $16·1 million (2005 – $16·6 million). The auditor’s

report on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2005 was unmodified.

You are currently reviewing two matters that have been left for your attention on the audit working paper files for

the year ended 31 March 2006:

(i) In December 2004 Tiltman installed a new computer system that properly quantified an overvaluation of

inventory amounting to $2·7 million. This is being written off over three years.

(ii) In May 2006, Tiltman’s head office was relocated to Johnston’s premises as part of a restructuring.

Provisions for the resulting redundancies and non-cancellable lease payments amounting to $2·3 million

have been made in the financial statements of Tiltman for the year ended 31 March 2006.


Identify and comment on the implications of these two matters for your auditor’s reports on the financial

statements of Johnston Co and Tiltman Co for the year ended 31 March 2006. (10 marks)



(b) Tiltman CoTiltman’s total assets at 31 March 2006 represent 29% (16·1/55·2 × 100) of Johnston’s total assets. The subsidiary istherefore material to Johnston’s consolidated financial statements.Tutorial note: Tiltman’s profit for the year is not relev

