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4 (a) Router, a public limited company operates in the entertainment industry. It recently agreed with a television

company to make a film which will be broadcast on the television company’s network. The fee agreed for the

film was $5 million with a further $100,000 to be paid every time the film is shown on the television company’s

channels. It is hoped that it will be shown on four occasions. The film was completed at a cost of $4 million and

delivered to the television company on 1 April 2007. The television company paid the fee of $5 million on

30 April 2007 but indicated that the film needed substantial editing before they were prepared to broadcast it,

the costs of which would be deducted from any future payments to Router. The directors of Router wish to

recognise the anticipated future income of $400,000 in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May

2007. (5 marks)


Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended

31 May 2007.



(a) Under IAS18 ‘Revenue’, revenue on a service contract is recognised when the outcome of the transaction can be measuredreliably. For revenue arising from the rendering of services, provided that all of the following criteria are met, revenue shouldbe r



(ii) Discuss whether gains and losses that have been reported initially in one section of the performance

statement should be ‘recycled’ in a later period in another section and whether only ‘realised’ gains and

losses should be included in such a statement. (9 marks)



(ii) Recycling is an issue for both the current performance statements and the single statement. Recycling occurs where anitem of financial performance is reported in more than one accounting period because the nature of the item has in someway changed. I



(iv) Tyre recently undertook a sales campaign whereby customers can obtain free car accessories, by presenting a

coupon, which has been included in an advertisement in a national newspaper, on the purchase of a vehicle.

The offer is valid for a limited time period from 1 January 2006 until 31 July 2006. The management are unsure

as to how to treat this offer in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2006.

(5 marks)


Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended

31 May 2006.

(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)



(iv) Car accessoriesAn obligation should not be recognised for the coupons and no provision created under IAS37 ‘Provisions, ContingentLiabilities and Contingent Assets’. A provision should only be recognised where there is an obligating event. There has



(b) Router has a number of film studios and office buildings. The office buildings are in prestigious areas whereas

the film studios are located in ‘out of town’ locations. The management of Router wish to apply the ‘revaluation

model’ to the office buildings and the ‘cost model’ to the film studios in the year ended 31 May 2007. At present

both types of buildings are valued using the ‘revaluation model’. One of the film studios has been converted to a

theme park. In this case only, the land and buildings on the park are leased on a single lease from a third party.

The lease term was 30 years in 1990. The lease of the land and buildings was classified as a finance lease even

though the financial statements purport to comply with IAS 17 ‘Leases’.

The terms of the lease were changed on 31 May 2007. Router is now going to terminate the lease early in 2015

in exchange for a payment of $10 million on 31 May 2007 and a reduction in the monthly lease payments.

Router intends to move from the site in 2015. The revised lease terms have not resulted in a change of

classification of the lease in the financial statements of Router. (10 marks)


Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended

31 May 2007.



(b) IAS16 ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’ permits assets to be revalued on a class by class basis. The different characteristicsof the buildings allow them to be classified separately. Different measurement models can, therefore, be used for the officebui



(b) Misson has purchased goods from a foreign supplier for 8 million euros on 31 July 2006. At 31 October 2006,

the trade payable was still outstanding and the goods were still held by Misson. Similarly Misson has sold goods

to a foreign customer for 4 million euros on 31 July 2006 and it received payment for the goods in euros on

31 October 2006. Additionally Misson had purchased an investment property on 1 November 2005 for

28 million euros. At 31 October 2006, the investment property had a fair value of 24 million euros. The company

uses the fair value model in accounting for investment properties.

Misson would like advice on how to treat these transactions in the financial statements for the year ended 31

October 2006. (7 marks)


Discuss the accounting treatment of the above transactions in accordance with the advice required by the


(Candidates should show detailed workings as well as a discussion of the accounting treatment used.)



(b) Inventory, Goods sold and Investment propertyThe inventory and trade payable initially would be recorded at 8 million euros ÷ 1·6, i.e. $5 million. At the year end, theamount payable is still outstanding and is retranslated at 1 dollar = 1·3 euros, i.



(b) Describe with suitable calculations how the goodwill arising on the acquisition of Briars will be dealt with in

the group financial statements and how the loan to Briars should be treated in the financial statements of

Briars for the year ended 31 May 2006. (9 marks)



(b) IAS21 ‘The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates’ requires goodwill arising on the acquisition of a foreign operationand fair value adjustments to acquired assets and liabilities to be treated as belonging to the foreign operation. They shouldb



(c) At 1 June 2006, Router held a 25% shareholding in a film distribution company, Wireless, a public limited

company. On 1 January 2007, Router sold a 15% holding in Wireless thus reducing its investment to a 10%

holding. Router no longer exercises significant influence over Wireless. Before the sale of the shares the net asset

value of Wireless on 1 January 2007 was $200 million and goodwill relating to the acquisition of Wireless was

$5 million. Router received $40 million for its sale of the 15% holding in Wireless. At 1 January 2007, the fair

value of the remaining investment in Wireless was $23 million and at 31 May 2007 the fair value was

$26 million. (6 marks)


Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended

31 May 2007.Required:

Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended

31 May 2007.



(c) The investment in Wireless is currently accounted for using the equity method of accounting under IAS28 ‘Investments inAssociates’. On the sale of a 15% holding, the investment in Wireless will be accounted for in accordance with IAS39. Routershould r



(d) Additionally Router purchased 60% of the ordinary shares of a radio station, Playtime, a public limited company,

on 31 May 2007. The remaining 40% of the ordinary shares are owned by a competitor company who owns a

substantial number of warrants issued by Playtime which are currently exercisable. If these warrants are

exercised, they will result in Router only owning 35% of the voting shares of Playtime. (4 marks)


Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended

31 May 2007.



(d) IAS27 paragraph 14, ‘Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements’, states that warrants that have the potential to givethe holder voting power or reduce another party’s voting power over the financial and operating policies of the issuer shouldbe c



5 Financial statements have seen an increasing move towards the use of fair values in accounting. Advocates of ‘fair

value accounting’ believe that fair value is the most relevant measure for financial reporting whilst others believe that

historical cost provides a more useful measure.

Issues have been raised over the reliability and measurement of fair values, and over the nature of the current level

of disclosure in financial statements in this area.


(a) Discuss the problems associated with the reliability and measurement of fair values and the nature of any

additional disclosures which may be required if fair value accounting is to be used exclusively in corporate

reporting. (13 marks)



(a) Reliability and MeasurementFair value can be defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability. The fair value canbe thought of as an ‘exit price’. A fair value measurement assumes that the transaction to sel



(b) One of the hotels owned by Norman is a hotel complex which includes a theme park, a casino and a golf course,

as well as a hotel. The theme park, casino, and hotel were sold in the year ended 31 May 2008 to Conquest, a

public limited company, for $200 million but the sale agreement stated that Norman would continue to operate

and manage the three businesses for their remaining useful life of 15 years. The residual interest in the business

reverts back to Norman after the 15 year period. Norman would receive 75% of the net profit of the businesses

as operator fees and Conquest would receive the remaining 25%. Norman has guaranteed to Conquest that the

net minimum profit paid to Conquest would not be less than $15 million. (4 marks)

Norman has recently started issuing vouchers to customers when they stay in its hotels. The vouchers entitle the

customers to a $30 discount on a subsequent room booking within three months of their stay. Historical

experience has shown that only one in five vouchers are redeemed by the customer. At the company’s year end

of 31 May 2008, it is estimated that there are vouchers worth $20 million which are eligible for discount. The

income from room sales for the year is $300 million and Norman is unsure how to report the income from room

sales in the financial statements. (4 marks)

Norman has obtained a significant amount of grant income for the development of hotels in Europe. The grants

have been received from government bodies and relate to the size of the hotel which has been built by the grant

assistance. The intention of the grant income was to create jobs in areas where there was significant

unemployment. The grants received of $70 million will have to be repaid if the cost of building the hotels is less

than $500 million. (4 marks)

Appropriateness and quality of discussion (2 marks)


Discuss how the above income would be treated in the financial statements of Norman for the year ended

31 May 2008.



(b) Property is sometimes sold with a degree of continuing involvement by the seller so that the risks and rewards of ownershiphave not been transferred. The nature and extent of the buyer’s involvement will determine how the transaction is accountedfor.



(b) Discuss the view that fair value is a more relevant measure to use in corporate reporting than historical cost.

(12 marks)



(b) The main disagreement over a shift to fair value measurement is the debate over relevance versus reliability. It is argued thathistorical cost financial statements are not relevant because they do not provide information about current exchange valuesf

