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Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

The cowboy is the hero of many movies,. He is, even today, a symbol of courage and adventure. But what was the life of the cowboy really like?

The cowboy’s job is clear from the word cowboy. Cowboy were men who took care of cows and other cattle. The cattle were in the West and in Texas. People in the cities of the East wanted beef these cattle. Trains could take the cattle east. But first the cattle had to get to the trains. Part of the cowboy’s job was to take the cattle hundreds of miles to the railroad town. The trips were called cattle drivers. A cattle drive usually took several months. Cowboys rode for sixteen hours a day. Because they rode so much, each cowboy brought along about eight horses. A cowboy changed horses several times each day.

The cowboys had to make sure that cattle arrived safely. Before starting on a drive, the cowboys branded the cattle. They burned a mark on the cattle to show who they belonged to. But these marks didn’t stop rustlers, or cattle thieves. Cowboys had to protect the cattle from rustlers. Rustlers made the dangerous trip even more dangerous.

Even though their work was very difficult and dangerous, cowboys did not earn much money. They were paid badly. Yet cowboys liked their way of life. They lived in a wild and open country. They lived a life of adventure and freedom.

11. A cowboy is a symbol of .

A. courage and adventure B. a hard life and big pay

C. movies in the past D. cows and other cattle

12. The cowboys’ job was .

A. to be a hero in real life B. to be a hero of the movie

C. to take care of cattle D. to be a dangerous rustler

13. During a cattle driver, cowboys took a group of cows from a wild and open country to .

A. the West states and Texas B. the cities of the East States

C. the people who eat beef in cities D. the railroad towns hundred miles away

14. On their way of cattle drivers, the cowboys protected the cattle by .

A. burning a mark on their cows B. keeping an eye on cattle thieves

C. making the trip more dangerous D. looking after eight cows each person

15. Cowboys enjoyed themselves because .

A. they liked their way of life B. they made a lot of money

C. they had a vary difficult job D. they were heroes in movies






Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

There are two kinds of memory: shot-term and long-term. Information in long-term memory can be remembered at a later time when it is needed. The information may be kept for days or weeks. However, information over and over. The following experiment shows how short-term memory has been studied.

Henning studied how students who are learning English as a second language remember vocabulary. The subjects in his experiment were 75 college students. They represented all levels of ability in English: beginning, intermediate, and native-speaking students.

To begin, the subjects listened to a recording of a native speaker reading a paragraph in English. Following the recording, the subjects took a 15-question test to see which words they remembered, each question had four choices. The subjects had to circle the word they had heard in the recording. Some of the questions had four choices that sound alike. For example, weather, whether, wither, and wetter are four words that sound alike. Some of the questions had four choices that have the same meaning. Method, way, manner, and system would be four words with the same meaning. Finally the subjects took a language proficiency test.

Henning found that students with a lower proficiency in English made more of their mistakes on words that sound alike; students with a higher proficiency made more of their mistakes on words that have the same meaning. Henning’s results suggest that beginning students hold the sound of words in their short-term memory, and advanced students hold the meaning of words in their short-term memory.

6. Henning made the experiment in order to study .

A. how students remember English vocabulary by short-term memory

B. how students learn English vocabulary

C. how to develop students’ ability in English

D. how long information in short-term memory is kept

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Information in short-term memory is different from that in long-term memory.

B. Long-term memory can be achieved only by training.

C. It is easier to test short-term memory than long-term memory.

D. Henning gave a separate test on vocabulary to his students.

8. From Henning’s result we can see that .

A. beginners have difficulty distinguishing the pronunciation of words

B. advanced students remember words by their meaning

C. it is difficult to remember words that sound alike

D. it is difficult to remember words that have the same meaning

9. The word “subjects” in the passage means .

A. memory B. the theme of listening material

C. a branch of knowledge studied D. the students experimented on






Part I Reading Comprehension

Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

In Washington D.C., 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a very special address. It is the address of the White House, the home of the president of the United States.

Originally the White House was gray and was called the Presidential Palace. It was built from 1792 to 1800. at this time, the city of Washington itself was being built; it was to be the nation’s new capital city. George Washington, the first president, and Pierre Charles L’Enfant, a French engineer, chose the place for the new city. L’Enfant then planned they city. The president’s home was an important part of the plan.

A contest was held to pick a design for the president’s home. An architect named James Hoban won. He designed a large three-story house of gray stone.

President Washington never lived in the President Palace. The first president to live there was John Adams, the second president of the United States, and his wife Mrs. Adams did not really like hew new house. In her letters, she often complained about the cold. Fifty fireplaces were not enough to keep the house warm!

In 1812 the United States and Britain went to war. In 1814 the British invaded Washington. Theu burned many buildings, including the Presidential Palace.

After the war James Hoban, the original architect, partially rebuilt the president’s homes. To cover the marks of the fire, the building was painted white. Before long it became known as the White House.

The White House is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States. Every year more than 1.5 million visitors go through the five rooms that are open to the public.

1. The White House was built in Washington .

A. because a French engineer was invited to design it

B. because President George Washington liked to live in it

C. because the British invaders lived in it in 1812-1814

D. because it was to be the nation’s capital city

2. The Presidential Palace was .

A. painted gray and white B. made of gray stone

C. made of white stone D. made very warm in winter

3. The president’s home and the city of Washington were .

A. built by the American army B. built by the British troops

C. planned by George Washington D. planned by the French

4. The original home of the president needed to be rebuilt .

A. because John Adam’s wife did not like it

B. because it was cold in winter even with 50 fireplaces

C. because it had burned down during the war

D. because George Washington was not willing to live in it

5. The new presidential home was painted white to .

A. cover the marks of fire B. attract tourist from France

C. to please Mrs. John Adams D. keep it warm in winter






Part V Writing

Directions: In this part you are required to write an essay about Saving Energies and Resources. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:






Saving Energies and Resources

Saving is a good habit not only for an individual but for a company, factory, even the government. As we know, with the increasing population of the world, more and more natural resources and energies are consumed. If people want to have a healthy and good life in the long future, they have to form the habit of saving things.

Actually, for and individual, there are many things worth saving, such as water, food, power, etc. As is known to all, water shortage has been a serious problem in many areas and countries. For example, in the west area of China, many people store rain for cleaning and cooking. Since drinkable water is limited in the world, we should save water as possible as we can in our daily life. For the same reason, we should also save power. We can limit the time of using air conditioners, and set the temperature not too high or too low. Turn off lights when we leave. Use towel instead of facial paper to save paper. Stop using once-and-away chopsticks to save wood. If everyone can form good habit of saving, we can make great contributions to the whole world.

Only by saving can we protect our environment for a better world both for ourselves and for the future generations.



Part IV Translation:

I’m not against using big words, when it is right to do so, but I have also learned that a small word can work a small miracle—if it’s right word, in the right place, at the right time. (Passage Four)






Part IV Translation:

One of them was from my school days, when our ninth grade teacher, Miss Raber, would pick out words from the Reader’s Digest to test our vocabulary. (Passage Four)






Part IV Translation:

Almost 30 million Americans weight at least 20 percent more than their ideal weight. In fact, the United State is the most overweight country in the wild. (Passage Three)






Part IV Translation:

In order to learn to be one’s true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world. (Passage Two)






Part IV Translation:

It has a bank of electronic pens which write like the President writes, in his favorite light blue ink. (Passage One)






Part III Cloze

Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then marks your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Before the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.

Today the car is the most popular 61 of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely 62 the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for 63 90 percent of all personal 64 .

Most Americans are able to 65 cars.

The average price of a 66 made car was 1 050 in 1950, 1 740 in 1960 and up to 1 750 67 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about 68 their products and work efficiency.

As a result, the yearly income of the 69 family increased from 1950 to 1975 70 than the price of cars. For this reason 71 a new car takes a smaller 72 of a family’s total earnings today.

In 1951 73 it took 8.1 months of an average family’s 74 to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car 75 8.3 of a family’s annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 76 income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically 77 to models from previous years.

The 78 of the automobile extends throughout the economy 79 the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money to 80 their cars running than on any other item.

61. A. kinds B. means C. mean D. types

62. A. denied B. reproduced C. replaced D. ridiculed

63. A. hardly B. nearly C. certainly D. somehow

64. A. trip B. works C. business D. travel

65. A. buy B. sell C. race D. see

66. A. quickly B. regularly C. rapidly D. recently

67. A. on B. in C. behind D. about

68. A. raising B. making C. reducing D. improving

69. A. unusual B. interested C. average D. biggest

70. A. slowest B. equal C. faster D. less than

71. A. bringing B. obtain C. bought D. purchasing

72. A. part B. half C. number D. side

73. A. clearly B. proportionally C. percentage D. suddenly

74. A. income B. work C. plans D. debts

75. A. used B. spend C. cost D. needed

76. A. months’ B. dollars C. family D. year

77. A. famous B. superior C. fastest D. purchasing

78. A. running B. notice C. influence D. discussion

79. A. then B. as C. so D. which

80. A. start B. leave C. keep D. repair



61-65 BCBDA

66-70 DBDCC

71-75 DABAC

76-80 ABCBC



People with disabilities comprise a large part of the population. It is estimated that over 35 million Americans have physical, mental, or other disabilities. About half of these disabilities are “developmental”, i. e. , they occur prior to the individual’s twenty-second birthday, often form genetic conditions, and are severe enough to effect three or more areas of development, such as mobility, communication, employment, etc. Most other disabilities are considered “adventitious”, i.e. , accidental or caused by outside forces.

Prior to the 20th century, only a small percentage of people with disabilities survived for long. Medical treatment for these disabilities was unavailable. Advancements in medicine and social services have created a climate in which people with disabilities can expert to have such basic needs as food, shelter, and medical treatment. Unfortunately, these basic are often not available. Civil liberties such as the right to vote, marry, get an education, and again employment have historically been denied on the basic of disability.

In recent decades, the disability rights movement has been organized to flight against these infringements (侵害) of civil rights. Congress responded by passing major legislation recognizing people with disabilities as protected class under civil rights statutes.

Still today, people with disabilities must fight to live their lives independently. It is estimated that more than half of qualified Americans with disabilities are unemployed, and a majority of those who do work are underemployed. About two-thirds live at or below the official poverty level.

Significant barriers, especially in transportation and public awareness, prevent disabled people from taking part in society. For example, while no longer prohibited by law from marrying, a person with no access to transportation is effectively excluded from community and social activities which might lead to the development of long-term relationships.

It will only be when public attitudes advance as far as laws are that disabled people will be fully able to take to their right place in society.

16. ”developmental” disability .

A. develops very slowly over time B. is caused forces

C. occurs in youth and affects development D. is getting more and more severe

17. Most disabled people used to die early because .

A. disabilities destroyed major bodily functions B. they were not very well looked after

C. medical techniques were not available D. they were too poor to get proper treatment

18. In the author’s opinion, to enable the disabled people to take their rightful place in society, .

A. more laws should be passed B. public attitudes should be changed

C. government should provide more aids D. more public facilities should be act up

19. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage?

A. Many disabled people may remain single for their whole life.

B. The public tends to look down upon the disabled people.

C. The disabled people feel inferior to those surrounding them.

D. Discriminatory (有差别的) laws prevent the disabled from mixing with others.

20. The best title for this passage might be .

A. Handicaps of People with Disabilities B. The Difficulties of the Disabled

C. The Causes for Disabilities D. Medical Treatments for Disabilities

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)

Directions: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

21. It’s still early in the morning. There isn’t in the office.

A. anyone B. everyone C. nobody D. any people

22. is not known what they discussed in the meeting.

A. That B. He C. This D. It

23. Yhe sad news broke her and she has been gloomy ever since.

A. feelings B. emotions C. mind D. heart

24. He is much of a gentleman to fight.

A. so B. as C. very D. too

25. Not until this term to realize how important this subject is to his future career as a diplomat.

A. he began B. ha has begun C. did he begin D. that ha has begun

26. who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list.

A. Those B. These C. Somebody D. The ones

27. A bottle weighs less after air is taken out, proves that air has weight.

A. we B. it C. which D. what

28. How long ?

A. you suppose did it last B. do you suppose it lasted

C. did you suppose it last D. you suppose it lasted

29. Smmith had some trouble the man’s accent.

A. to understand B. understanding C. for understanding D. with understanding

30. The next few days could be for the peace negotiation.

A. maximum B. practical C. critical D. urgent

31. He quite a lot when he was young.

A. used to travel B. used to traveling C. was used to travel D. would used to travel

32. You me your telephone number in case someone wants to contact you.

A. had better give B. had better given C. had better to give D. had better gave

33. Mary used to the room with Linda.

A. separate B. divide C. hold D. share

34. —Must we hand in our exercise-books now?

—No, you .

A. mustn’t B. don’t C. needn’t D. can’t

35. She pulled away from the window anyone should see them.

A. lest B. even though C. unless D. only if

36. Not a has been found so far that can help the police find the criminal.

A. fact B. clue C. symbol D. sign

37. She would make a teacher far superior the average.

A. over B. than C. beyond D. to

38. Radio is different from television in it sends and receives pictures.

A. which B. that C. what D. this

39. Tom and jack have returned but students of the group haven’t come back yet.

A. other B. the others C. others D. another

40. It half a year since we to study in this university.

A. is; come B. is; have come

C. has been; came D. has been; have come

41. The fact that something is cheap doesn’t mean it is of low quality.

A. necessarily B. especially C. essentially D. practically

42. They set off by car and the nearest town.

A. made for B. made after C. made out D. made to

43. Take this baggage and you can find enough room.

A. put it which B. put it in which

C. put it at where D. put it wherever

44. He doesn’t want that he’s going away.

A. . to be known B. him to be known

C. that to be known D. it to be known

45. The noise around was terrible, but I had to it.

A. keep away from B. keep up with C. live with D. live on

46. He that his guests were bored, although they were listening politely.

A. impressed B. sensed C. inferred D. identified

47. On Sundays I prefer at home to out.

A. to say; go B. stay; going C. staying; going D. staying; go

48. I’d like to write to him, but what’s the ? He never writes back.

A. significance B. business C. point D. purpose

49. There were opinions as to the best location for the new school.

A. disagreeing B. conflicting C. rejecting D. reverting

50. by the news of his father’s death, he could hardly utter a word.

A. To be stunned B. Stunned C. To stun D. Stunning

51. , we’d better make some changes in the plan.

A. That is the case B. That been the case

C. That to be the case D. That being the case

52. They have equipped the office with the business machines.

A. last B. latter C. latest D. later

53. The police found that George had still another of income.

A. origin B. source C. basis D. means

54. An open-minded teacher doesn’t always one single teaching method.

A. set aside B. take over C. take on D. stick to

55. Much to the student’s , the exam was postponed.

A. burden B. concern C. relief D. requirement

56. Children normally feel a lot of about their first day at school.

A. anxiety B. difference C. feelings D. trouble

57. The weather was hot that she decided to have the barber her hairstyle.

A. rather; to change B. so; change

C. much too; change D. too; changed

58. She meet her former instructor on the bus.

A. delighted to B. happened to C. pleased to D. tended to

59. Just as no two words are truly synonymous no two different expressions can mean exactly the same thing.

A. rather B. also C. yet D. so

60. The new engineer’s suggestions were in the revised plan.

A. entitled B. engaged C. embodied D. estimated



21-25 ADDDC

26-30 ACBBC

31-35 AADCA

36-40 BDBAC

41-45 AADDC

46-50 BCCBB

51-55 DCBDC

56-60 ABBDC

