



Elegance and Glory

Do you remember your first train ride? Perhaps not, but I do. It was in 1999. I took the T18 express train to Beijing on my first winter vacation. I was so excited and couldn’t fall asleep. I sat at the window, watching the world outside getting dark. There must be some fateful coincidence that finally brought me to Beijing and lead me to become a member of China’s railway system. My destiny started that night.

For the following 18 years, I have been travelling across our country by train to see our gorgeous landscape, modern cities, and historical heritage. The journey on the train is also a kind of enjoyment. I can see the wind blowing over the waves of wheat, goats and oxen relaxing under the trees after their lunch. I can have a glimpse of the house caves in the gullies of Loess Plateau, and kids having fun in the ponds. ss our co

I’m also a world traveler. Imagine the view outside your window, the lovely wood cabins on the mountainside in Switzerland, the magical snow forest in Bavaria and amazing swamps on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea shining in the twilight glow. You may realize why travelling by train means surprises and elegance.

Taking a train also makes new friendship. When it comes to what we do for life, I would tell my new friends with pride, “I am a scientist, and I am going to contribute all my talent and passion to the development of China’s High-Speed Railway.” Now it is time for me, and for all of us to take over the responsibility to improve the safety and efficiency of transportation in China. Only with great determination can we create great innovation. I cannot imagine how fast our trains could run and how beautiful our country would be after 50 years. But I believe when I take a train at that time, what I can feel beyond the joy of scenery is the glory of being a railway scientist. And I hope that time I can still find the smiling faces of you to share the glory with you. Thank you!


第二个要提的,是来自于第八组标准所的耿雪骞倾力打造的演讲稿Keep your dream。



Keep your dream

On the first fall of 2017,we became a new member of the China academy of railway sciences institute. Everyone here will open a brand new life page. When i was thinking about the presentation subjects, dreams, youth, innovation, there is a word emerged in my mind, which is perseverance.

You may ask me why?Do you remember a story you heard when you visited the CARS museum yesterday afternoon? Three scientists of CARS have lived in desert for 3 years to research how to stabilize the sands. They lived very simply, no phone, no Internet, no TV and they even didn’t get any achievement in the end. However, they never give up, when they come back to the desert in the fourth year, that day was after rainy, they finally found what they want, a lot of sprouts of tree over the hill.

I think perseverance is the secret of every scientist and engineer in CARS to get success and make their dreams come true.

No matter what duty you shoulder,and how far you have passed, please don't forget your dreams. It likes a lighthouse can direct your journey.

Don’t always keep your eye on the destination. Enjoy the journey, right here, right now.

At the end, I want to say, we know spider man, we know superman, we know iron man. but today, I’m very glad and very honored to say "I’m a cars man! “And we are all the CARS man!


碍于篇幅所限,我们这里不得不仅仅呈上最后一篇演讲稿,就是来自第一组环保所的周佑雨美女的演讲稿Be bold to change。



Be bold to change

Today's topic is about dream, youth, and innovation. So, I'd like to start with my own experience. when I heard that there were a job can fit in my major, which is Human Resources management, I Hesitated. Cos when I ask around, ask all my friends their options, they all said: no, don't go, Etain. It would be so dull, with low pay, and you would be sitting there all day long with nothing to do. but when I start to work here, I found out that they were all wrong. Especially after this almost one year. I have a comprehensive understanding about this organization, I know something has changed deep in my heart. I'm so proud to be the witness of the rapid development of high speed railway. What's more inspiring, we are lucky enough to join CARS as the main force of China's railway innovation. And It appears to become more and more attractive every time when I know better about this organization. Not only about the business, but also about the people who I work with, I met. I met a bunch of people who can devote themselves in to the dull but grand research work. Especially for the young people, they are humorous, intelligent, and willing to explore. I feel like we're in the greatest time of China's railway development. I reckon, Chanel once said: in order to be irreplaceable, one must always be difficult. Well, Lets make some change! Let's make China's railway greater!
