
chinese people held the first new year festival more than 3,000 yearago. farmergave thankfor the harvest and prayed. theasked the godfor good cropin the coming year.


but there ia storbehind all the celebration, below ithe legend of how the chinese new year celebration began.


according to legend, there waa man-eating wild monster "nian" with an extremellarge mouth, capable of swallowing several people in a single bite. thibeast appeared in a countrvillage, towardthe end of winter when there wanothing to eat it would visit the villageand attack and eat whatever it could. the villagerwould live in terror over the winter.


the next year it returned and the same thing happened. the monster seemed too strong to be defeated. so all the villagerwould take their old and young deep into the mountainto hide from nian.


one day, a wise old man passed through the village and told an old woman, "i will teach you how to scare nian away!"


that evening when nian arrived at the village, he saw that all the housewere dark except the house in which an old woman lived. nian approached the house, licking hilipin anticipation. suddenly, the deafening noise of firecrackersounded endlessly.


the monster wastartled and jumped. suddenlhe realized that the house wacovered in red paper. thiscared him even more and it ran off into the mountains. when the villagerreturned thesaw that the old woman waunharmed! people later learned that "nian" waafraid of loud noiseand the color red, the villagercame together and agreed that when it watime for nian&39;annualvisit towardthe end of winter thewould start a fire in front of everdoor and not go to sleep but rather make noise.


the following year, the villagerwere readfor it. theset off firecrackers, lit all their lampand decorated their housein red, thepaste red paper on the doors, wear red clothing, hang up red lanterns. themade loud music, plathe gong and drumand thedance and burn the fireworkwhenever nian waabout to arrive, to scared awathe beast.


nian had not come down the mountain to cause antrouble thereafter.


thieventuallbecome a tradition of china and leadto the celebration for another year of safe life. chinese people celebrate in remembrance of thilegend and still continuetill today!
