Personal Profiles

Name: xxx

Date of birth: April 1977

Graduate institutions: Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University Nursing School

Education: tertiary

Contact Tel:

Sex: Female

Political outlook: Party members

Profession: Nursing




In June 1996 on 10 years ----------- 1999 graduate of Xinjiang Medical University

Computer college in 1999, diploma colleges

2002 issued by the Ministry of Labor Chung Public Intermediate computer skills debug the vocational qualification certificate.

------------ September 2003 undergraduate nursing so far in the South China University of Reading

Practical experience

-------------- April 2001 so far in Luohu District, Shenzhen People's Hospital out-patient work Dongmen

Obtained during the hospital

Sections 2003,2006 in "advanced" workers in the glorious title of

Hospital in 2006 that "the quality of nurses," the glorious title of

2006 was a full-house labor emulation, "cardiopulmonary resuscitation" project second prize

Participation and access to a full-house in 2004 the collective first Spring Festival Party

Skill level

------------- October 2002 access to care division (junior) Title

Able to master the operation of the nursing skills and theoretical knowledge


Job intentions

Nurse / nursing<>