☆ Personal Information


Sex: Female

Date of birth: September 1984

Height: 166cm

Place of origin: Datong

Place of residence: City

National: Han

Political outlook: Party members

Job type: fresh graduates

Graduate institutions: Institute of Hubei Province, Xiaogan

Profession: Education

Mobile phone:

Home phone:


QQ / MSN: graduates求职网

Educational experience ☆

September 2004 -2007 school year in June in Hubei Province primary professional Yunyang Teachers College in September 2007 -2009 school year in June in Hubei Province, College of Primary Education Xiaogan

☆ in-school practice, the award-winning experience

May 2005 Experimental Primary School in Hubei Danjiangkou week probationary

May 2005 Danjiangkou in Hubei Experimental Primary School on behalf of the first grade math class a week

October 2006 -2006 year in mid-November more than Danjiangkou primary business internship

September 2008 -10 at the end of six in Shanxi Province in the internship Zuoyun

Skill levels ☆

Fluent Putonghua standard, two-level access to qualified English过四级to proficiency in reading and writing

VF has obtained two computer certificates, and familiar with office automation software, you can skillfully use

Self-evaluation ☆

Love and respect their jobs, with a high sense of responsibility and serious working attitude and keen ability to judge, being honest, a good professional ethics and affinity.

☆ job intentions

Secondary school teachers, primary teachers, secondary school teachers, training institutions
