Name: XXX Sex: Male Age: 26 years old


Address: XXXX Road Chengdu XXXX District No. XXXX Zip: XXXXXXWork experienceMay 2002 - XXXX-commerce Co., Ltd. is now in charge of logistics


Goods inventory management, inventory data, sales data analysis;

Delivery of raw materials and strict quality control, effective support to the business group of orders shipped on time, no More or Less;

Overall responsibility for procurement and order management, covering: raw materials procurement, supplier management, order confirmation of the work, purchase of materials, production, quota, and so on charter Booking;

Design for clients warehousing, transportation programs; Duties:

To assist the logistics manager for completion of the raw materials, parts order tracking, supplier delivery assurance and control re-adjustment of the Treasury;

Adjustment is responsible for the design of warehouse layout, storage and computer equipment imported into the EDP system;

To help managers develop a logistics system;

Finished goods and external database management in export distribution boxes, domestic sales of the transport distribution;

Inventory control, work during the 10 months of inventory by the decreasing cost of sales to 3 months, the company saved a lot of inventory costs;

Stock file management, preservation<>