英文片名: the piano

  中文片名: 钢琴课 钢琴别恋

  上映: 1994

  the piano lesson

  screenplay for a film by

  jane campion


  jan chapman

  script editor

  billy mackinnon

  maori dialogue and translator

  selwyn muru

  (c) copyright:

  jan chapman productions pty ltd

  2 fairlight street leichhart 2040

  nsw australia

  4th draft 1991

  developed with the assistance of

  the australian film commission


  sc 1 sc 1

  ada (vo - scs 2 to 7)

  the voice you hear is not my

  speaking voice, but my mind's


  i have not spoken since i was

  six years old. no one knows

  why, not even me. my father

  says it is a dark talent and

  the day i take it into my head

  to stop breathing will be my


  today he married me to a man

  i&39;venot yet met. soon my

  daughter and i shall join him

  in his own country. my husband

  said my muteness does not

  bother him. he writes and hark

  this: god loves dumb creatures,

  so why not he!

  were good he had god&39;spatience

  for silence affects everyone in

  the end. the strange thing is i

  don&39;tthink myself silent, that

  is, because of my piano. i

  shall miss it on the journey.

  sc 2 ext scottish field near houseday sc 2

  a woman in a dark crepe victorian dress sits leaning against a tree,

  her hands cover her face, around her neck she wears a writing pad. she

  crosses a field with large bare trees, in the far background stands a

  3 storey stone house.

  sc 3 int scottish house corridor day sc 3

  a small girl roller skates down a dimly lit corridor. a parlour maid

  looks down the hall where the girl has disappeared.

  sc 4 int scottish house drawing roomday sc 4

  three men wearing long grey aprons are fitting the packing for a

  piano. on one of the men&39;sarms is a tattoo of a whale in a wild sea.

  sc 5 ext scottish house grounds day sc 5

  the girl wearing her skates sits on a small black pony. an old man is

  pulling it, but it won&39;tmove. (in the background, another aspect of

  the grey stone house.)

  sc 6 int scottish house flora&39;sbedroom nightsc 6

  the woman lifts back the sheets from the bottom of the sleeping girl's

  bed. she is still wearing her skates. the woman cuts through the laces

  and removes the boots. one disembodied skate rolls across the room.

  sc 7 int scottish house drawing roomnight sc 7

  the woman stands at a window lit by moonlight. her skin appears

  luminescently white. she touches the wooden window frame, the curtain,

  the objects on the window sill, her mind abstracted, her hands

  unconsciously performing a farewell. turning from the window she moves

  to a square piano crowded by packing boxes. in the dim light she

  begins to play strongly. her face strains, she is utterly involved,

  unaware other own strange guttural sounds that form an eerie

  accompaniment to the music.

  an old maid in night-dress looks in. abruptly the woman stops playing.

  the emotion leaves her face, it whitens and seems solid like a wall.

  cut to black

  sc 8 ext underwater beach day sc 8

  under water a long boat passes overhead, its oars breaking the


  sc 9 ext beach day sc 9

  amidst a riotous sea a woman, ada, is carried to shore on the

  shoulders of five seamen. her large victorian skirt spreads across the

  men&39;sarms and backs, on her head a black bonnet, around her neck her

  pad and pen. we should be forgiven if this woman seems a sacrificial

  offering as the bay they carry her to is completely uninhabited. a

  black sand backs on to an endless rise of dense native bush.

  the breakers are chaotic, the men strain to keep their footing,

  calling to each other.


  hold still you smutt! blast the


  look up! look up!

  lay to! lay to.

  up with it you buggerers, hold


  damn me won&39;tyou hold?!


  two of the men are black, all are battered, tattooed and tough, some

  are drunk.

  behind the woman is her daughter, a girl of ten in scottish dress. she

  too is carried on the shoulders of seamen.

  ada is placed on the sand. she looks down at her feet sinking into the

  wet sand, then up at the huge confusion of fern and bush in front of

  her. the sound of sea behind is thunderous.

  several of the seamen have formed a group and are pissing on the sand.

  her daughter is on all fours evidently being sick. but ada&39;sattention

  is diverted to the seamen who are staggering through the waves with a

  huge piano shaped box. they put it down as soon as they get to 5hore

  but ada makes gestures that they must immediately bring it to higher

  safer ground. the piano placed to her satisfaction she hovers near it,

  one hand in constant touch of it while her daughter grips her free


  sc 10 ext beach day sc 10

  two seamen finish carrying the last crate to shore. trunks and boxes

  including an open crate with hens are scattered carelessly along the


  the seamen gather together. after a discussion in which they look

  between ada and her child and their coaster out on the sea, one of the

  men approaches. behind him the other men keep their eyes out to sea or

  down on the sand. they don&39;twant to be involved. the sight of the

  women alone on this beach is too hopeless.


  it&39;sa little rough out there.

  could be they can&39;tget through

  to you in this weather. maybe

  they&39;llcome over land.

  ada nods.


  have you things for shelter?

  ada nods.


  what things have you?

  ada signs to her daughter. the little girl speaks clearly and loudly

  without emotion.


  she says, &39;thankyou'.

  puzzled, the man walks off, then turns and comes back.


  does your mother prefer to come

  on with us to nelson?

  ada signs vigorously to flora.


  she says, no. she says she'd

  rather be boiled alive by

  natives than get back in your



  (stunned) you be damn fortuned

  i don&39;tsmack your puppy gob,

  missy. damn lucky.

  scene 11 deleted

  sc 12 ext beach day sc 12

  ada is sheltering behind the crated piano, anxiety etched on her face.

  flora is asleep at her feet a half eaten biscuit in her hand ada has

  found a gap through the crate so that she might lift the lid and play

  a few notes. the sweetness and comfort of the piano seem only to

  exaggerate their isolation and hopelessness.

  2- see notes

  suddenly a rush of sea water shoots straight under the raised crate of

  the piano wetting her shoes. ada stands, pushing flora onto her feet.

  she is aghast to see the tide has crept in completely unnoticed.

  they watch three of their boxes float out to sea. one of the hens has

  escaped the crate and is bobbing up and down in the waves.

  scene 13 deleted

  sc 14 ext beach dusk sc 14

  there is just a pink streak left in the sky. ada and flora shelter

  inside their make-shift tent, a hooped petticoat secured at the edges

  with stones. inside the tent a candle lights up their conversation.

  ada is hand signaling a story to flora who lies back watching, nervous

  and afraid. ada&39;swhole self is involved in the 'telling&39;,her face is

  alight with expression, now tender, now sad, now humorous, now soft,

  while her hands and fingers are deft and precise. from outside it is

  an odd shadow play.


  (hand signaling) mother... i'm


  ada pauses.

  (speaking) i&39;mnot going to

  call him papa. i&39;mnot going

  to call him anything. i&39;mnot

  even going to look at him.

  sc 15 ext bush on way to beach day sc 15

  through a dense bush walk a party of fourteen maori people and two

  european men. the wetness, closeness and darkness of the bush is such

  that the air seems green, like at the bottom of a deep sea. two of the

  maoris share one pair of shoes and all of them are clothed in a

  mixture of native and european costume. of the europeans one is small

  and has a shy manner. he has a half completed maori tattoo across his

  cheeks. the other is a similar age about 45 and wears a suit, muddy

  and out of place here in the bush. he staggers, spurts forward then

  slows to a stop. his hair and face are wet and his skin reflects the

  green foliage. baines the younger man turns and slows.


  are we stopping?... do you want

  to stop?

  the maori voices and laughter are becoming fainter. baines watches

  torn between his concern for stewart and the split in their party.

  3-see notes


  shall we stop?

  unable to get an answer baines runs after the maoris.


  tai hoa! me tatari tatou .., me

  tutatou i konei.

  (wait! we are stopping.. we're



  stewart takes out a comb and drags it dazed and zombie like through

  his wet hair. inside the darkness of his pocket, he turns over and

  over a small, worn edged photograph, a smudge of green light allows us

  to see ada&39;stumbling face. taking it in the heel of his hand he

  secretly looks at it. just as the party return and settle he stares on

  ahead possessed and determined.


  we must get on.

  the maoris look at baines bewildered.


  aue tepatupsiarehe!

  (the fairy people, what can you



  sc 16 ext beach morningsc 16

  it is early morning. the sea is calmer and the tide is again low. the

  party or two europeans and fourteen maori men and women come out on to

  the beach. about half the maori party head straight for the shoreline

  where an older woman loudly organises a pipi collection. all sorts of

  containers are used from flax baskets to shirts with knots in their

  arms. the rest follow stewart and baines over to the boxes. stewart

  automatically re-combs his hair, patting it against his forehead,

  where it sticks in a raked pattern. on his head he carefully places a

  formal top hat, oddly dean compared to his mud splattered suit. the

  party stops short of the petticoats where a tell-tale foot reveals its



  miss mcgrath, alisdair stewart.

  you&39;llhave to wake yourself.

  i&39;vegot men here to carry your


  ada and flora struggle up to find themselves confronted by a group of

  men and women. the maoris stare curiously and comment on the women.

  aut he anahera enci?

  (are they angels, they look

  like angels.)


  a man points at flora&39;sfeet and gestures as if holding one of the

  little shoes in his hand.

  te monohi hoki!

  (so small!)


  flora is struck by shyness and hides under her mother&39;sskirt. ada

  cannot look straight at stewart and stewart also cannot look at her.


  i see you have a good many

  boxes, i&39;dlike to know what is

  in each.

  as ada does not move stewart is puzzled.


  can - you - hear - me?

  ada nods and looks up coldly, insulted by his slow loud speaking.


  well that is good, yes that is

  good, good.

  stewart smiling searches ada&39;sface for some sign of comprehension but

  is unnerved by her lack of response. he stops smiling, and, patting

  his hair walks to the closest box. several of the maori party follow

  behind stewart while one of them closely and particularly mimics him.


  what&39;sin here?

  ada points to the writing already on the box saying &39;crockeryand



  ohh, yes so it is, written

  there, crockery.


  and this one?

  ada writes &39;bedclothesand linen&39;on the pad around her neck- while

  she writes he takes the opportunity to scrutinise her.


  you&39;resmall. i never thought

  you&39;dbe small.

  he walks to another chest



  she writes 'clothes&39;.the maori mimic also pretends to write.

  finally he comes to the piano box. he lifts a corner experimentally.


  what&39;sin here then, lead?


  (gravely) it&39;smy mother's



  a piano?

  the maoris touch the exposed legs of the piano. stewart speaks to the

  other european man baines.


  tell them to carry in pairs.

  those three and those two the

  black and the red, then the


  stewart holds baines back a moment.


  what do you think?

  stewart nods towards ada. baines thinks a moment then turns towards

  ada too.


  she looks tired.


  she&39;sstunted, that&39;sone


  baines walks over to hone a big man and the maorj leader, he stands

  tall with a great sense of his own importance. (mana)


  anei nga pouaka - ko era e


  me era e raa.

  (here are the boxes, those

  three and those two.)



  e hoal

  hone takes an aggressive fighting posture towards baines, insulted

  that baines should suggest he might carry anything. hone does not

  carrying, he is the boss. with great dignity hone retreats, too

  injured to help. other maoris come up and baines assigns them boxes.

  ada gets worried, the piano is being left alone. she writes on her

  pad, &39;thepiano?&39;she shows stewart.


  oh no, it can&39;tcome now.


  it must come.

  stewart looks at flora


  she wants it to come.


  yes and so do i, but there are

  too few of us here to carry it.

  too - heavy

  ada writes &39;ineed the piano.&39;her maori mimic copies her.


  do you mean you don&39;twant your

  kitchenware or your clothes? is

  that what you mean?

  ada signs to flora.


  we can&39;tleave the piano


  let us not discuss this

  further. i am very pleased....

  stewart slows down as he watches ada again sign to flora, he has the

  uncomfortable impression he is being interrupted.


  mother wants to know if they

  could come back directly for


  stewart is shocked, his mouth hangs slightly open, paused in mid

  speech. tahu mimics this mouth drop perfectly.


  after they have taken the other


  stewart is growing confused and anxious. his two mimics and their

  growing audience unnerve him further.


  kei riri a te raho maroke.

  (shouted loudly at tahu)

  (watch it dry balls is getting



  stewart nods suspiciously towards the maori speaker not understanding

  him, the speaker smiles and nods back.


  i suggest you prepare for a

  difficult journey. the bush

  will tear clothes and the mud

  is deep in places.

  stewart walks away. ada stands beside the piano turned away from the

  activities. flora pats her hand trying to cheer her. down on the beach

  a fire is lit and pipis are prepared for cooking. some of the young

  men are racing naked into the sea.


  (to baines about the maoris)

  what are they doing? we don't

  have time for that.

  sc 17 exi beach day sc 17

  it is some hours later and the carrying party are beginning to make

  their way up into the bush. ada still stands beside her piano. flora

  wants to follow the party. baines comes back along the beach, trailed

  by a young maori boy, kaha.


  mr. stewart asked if i might

  show you to the path. (ada does

  not move) ... may i carry


  ada turns to baines, her face angry and defiant, her eyes full of

  tears. baines falls back, struck by her show of emotion. ada and flora

  walk past him toward the bush.

  sc 18 ext cliff above beach day sc 18

  the party threads its way through the bush along the cliff. ada pauses

  at the cliff top to see her piano below on the sand, tiny and

  desolate. its distance and her love of it suddenly strike her. its

  music is faint and becomes loud over the next scene.

  sc 19 ext bush from beach day sc 19

  brown feet squelch through the mud, finally followed by dainty boots

  caked in dirt. the maori leaders of the party have stopped.

  4 - see note

  baines works his way to the front.


  aha tenei?

  (what is it?)



  e hinga te koroua ra b pitama i

  konci. kare noa kia hikina te


  (old man pitama died here.

  (points to the spot)

  the tapu hasn&39;tbeen lifted)


  stewart struggles up to the front to join baines, he speaks over the

  top of hone.


  what&39;she say?


  someone died here. it&39;stapu.


  but we came down this way

  didn&39;twe? i&39;msure we did.

  the maori leaders continue discussing.

  0h pitama eh.


  e tarna heke atu ki ram - tiro

  his atu.

  rapuhia mai he huarahi re!

  (go and look, find another

  track eh!)



  &39;ciatupato he ana taniwba ke

  raro na.

  (go easy there&39;sa ghost down




  &39;ca,rongo koe i te haunga a

  tans tutae i te tuatahi. (you

  smell his shit first.)


  stewart continues over the top of the maori discussion.


  they want more money. they are

  trying to make two days out of



  no, no they know another track

  - to the side of this.

  ada and flora sit watching, out of breath. the bush is dense,

  claustrophobic and exotic. one of the maori women sits close to ada

  apparently not looking at her- slowly she draws the scarf that is in

  ada&39;slap into her own. defiantly she puts it on.

  meanwhile another woman makes a very dignified attempt to wipe the

  freckles from flora&39;sface.

  sc 20 ext stewart&39;sday sc 20

  it is another day and stewart&39;shut, bleakly set amidst smoking stumps

  is full of squeals, chasing and antics.

  the reverend in frock coat has a wedding dress stuck part way up his

  arms. it is not a normal wedding dress but a backless one used again

  and again as a photographic prop. stewart&39;saunt morag and her

  companion nessie are trying to pull it off.

  aunt morag

  watch your feet!


  watch your feet!

  ada and flora find the family fun frightening and have taken refuge in

  the bedroom.

  aunt morag

  careful! watch his hand.


  watch his hand

  the reverend tickles his sister as she tries to get the sleeve off his

  hand. nessie squeals with excitement.

  aunt morag

  stop it!

  nessie looks towards ada panting with excitement at the fun.

  aunt morag

  (shooing the reverend out)

  we&39;llbring out the bride.

  the two women now fit the wedding dress on ada.

  aunt morag

  lift - your - arm - up - dear.

  flora sits on the bed sulkily. she leans back and crosses her leg.


  my real father was a famous

  german composer

  aunt morag

  ohh the tag is broken.


  (continues) .... they met when

  my mother was an opera

  singer... in luxemburg...

  the two women pause to look at flora. ada signs to flora 'that's




  ada looks away, the two women finish primping the dress. flora crosses

  her arms.


  i want to be in the photograph.

  sc 22 ext stewart&39;shut day sc 22

  nessie half holds an umbrella over ada as they make their way to where

  the camera is setup in front of a chair and a sparse display of three

  toi-toi. all about the house is muddy, so much so that they must weave

  their way through on planks and logs. a fine veil of rain is falling

  across the distant bush, the whole valley is shrouded in mist. stewart

  looks through the camera at the reverend and the photographer who are

  posing as the couple, complete with tatty bouquet. stewart notices

  ada&39;sarrival and seeing her as a real bride, his bride, he is

  struckdumb with pride, even the rough tapes at the back or the dress

  cannot destroy the illusion.



  the umbrellas are held away, the rain pours down.

  sc 23 int/ext stewarts hut bedroom day sc 23

  aunt morag has brought a chair into the bedroom and sits knee to knee

  with flora.

  aunt morag

  i thought she met your father

  in luxemburg.


  well, yes, in austria where be

  conducted the royal orchestra.

  aunt morag

  (frowning) and where did they

  get married?

  aunt morag checks to see if someone is coming.


  (her scottish accent becomes

  thick and expressive) in an

  enormous forest, with real

  fairies as bridesmaids each

  holding a little elf&39;shand.

  aunt morag sits back, regarding flora with obvious disapproval and

  disappointment. she smooths back her hair.


  no, i tell a lie, it was in a

  small country church, near the


  aunt morag is becoming involved again. she leans forward.

  aunt morag

  which mountains are those dear?


  the alps.

  aunt morag

  ohhh i&39;venever been there.

  (she leans forward)


  mother used to sing the songs

  in german and her voice would

  echo across the valleys

  that was before the


  aunt morag

  oh what happened?

  morag looks over her shoulder as flora continues to talk, so

  persuasive is flora&39;sstorytelling that the scene comes vividly to

  life, albeit in flora&39;sdark pupil.


  one day when my mother and

  father were singing together in

  the forest, a great storm blew

  up out of nowhere. but so

  passionate was their singing

  that they did not notice, nor

  did they stop as the rain began

  to fall and when their voices

  rose for the final bars of the

  duet a great bolt of lightening

  came out of the sky and struck

  my father so that he lit up

  like a torch... and at the same

  moment my father was struck

  dead my mother was struck dumb!

  she- never-spoke-another-word.

  aunt morag

  ohhh ... dear. not another word

  from the shock, yes it would


  the story is interrupted by the return of the wedding party who are

  dripping wet, exactly as the couple in the story. aunt morag bustles

  over to take off the wet wedding gown, her face puckered with tragedy.

  aunt morag

  terrible. terrible

  before she can undo the ties ada pulls it from herself so aggressively

  that the ties and part of the gown comes apart. none of this is a

  concern to ada who is distracted with fear for her piano. she crosses

  to the little window and stares anxiously at the falling rain.

  sc 24 ext beach dusk sc 24

  soft piano music has been playing over the previous scene. now it

  builds to strength as sea water swirls high around the piano, small

  and embattled on the dark rainy beach.

  sc 23 int stewart&39;shut bedroom day sc 25

  it&39;smorning of the next day. ada and flora sit amongst tea chests in

  the bedroom. ada is signing intently to flora. flora signs back,

  sometimes using words. stewart watches uneasy with their secret

  communication. as stewart enters the animation is suspended. ada

  stands and takes a step back as if to attention.


  i shall be gone for some days.

  there is some maori land i want

  and may buy very reasonably.

  (stewart shuffles) i am hoping

  you will use the time to settle

  in, and, in some ways we may

  start again

  flora and ada look at each other.


  all right?

  ada looks at him blankly, then nods.

  sc 26 ext stewart&39;sday sc 26

  ada and flora dressed in cloaks and bonnets skirt the dense bush

  trying to find a path in. it is not easy, because the bush is so

  tight. ada&39;sleg slides in up to her calf in mud.

  sc 27 ext baines&39;day sc 27

  ada and flora arrive at baines&39;rough hut. it is mid-morning but

  baines is not yet dressed. ada hands him a note. baines looks at it



  i&39;mnot able to read.

  ada signs to flora.


  please take us to the beach

  where we landed.


  i&39;msorry, i can&39;tdo that.

  (flora and ada stare evenly at


  i don&39;thave the time.

  (they continue to stare.)


  sc 28 ext baines&39;day sc 28

  it is much later when baines emerges from his hut with a saddle over

  his arm. the two women are still there. ada looks up at him


  flora mirrors her expression.


  i - can&39;t- take - you there. i

  can&39;tdo it.

  he puts the saddle over a rail. he continues to saddle up, sneaking

  glances at them from under the horse and around its side. they watch

  him closely, not pleadingly, but stubbornly1 eerily of one mind.

  sc 29 ext beach day sc 29

  the sky is blue with long wisps of cloud.

  the party of three break onto the long expanse of beach where the

  piano still stands. it has not been without visitors. there are

  footprints on the sand and some of the boards have been pulled back.

  ada passes baines, walking urgently towards it. soon, ada has removed

  enough boards that she may lift the lid and play the keys. emnes stays

  back. ada takes great delight in feeling her fingers on the keys

  again. her whole composition is altered. she is animated, joyful,


  down on the wet sand flora does a wild dance of her own invention

  using a seaweed wig. she finishes by rolling down the beach in the


  baines views them with suspicion, yet he is magnetically drawn to the

  spectacle he has never seen women behave with so much abandon. his

  attention fixes on ada&39;suninhibited emotional playing, and as he

  watches, he finds himself edging irresistibly closer.

  sc 30 ext beach late after noonsc 30

  the shadows are long on the sand when bain&39;escollects the boards. ada

  and flora are attempting a duet. ada notices him come towards them

  with the boards, obviously intending that they should leave. her mood

  darkens, she continues playing stubbornly even though flora has

  stopped. abruptly she finishes. in black spirits she replaces her cape

  and bonnet. baines is struck by this sudden change, he watches her

  mesmerised as he replaces the boards.

  sc 31 ext beach night sc 31

  from a helicopter, the camera tracks along the beach, following the

  crashing wave line, to find the piano.

  scene 32 deleted

  sc 33 ext stewart&39;shut & kitchen dusk sc 33

  the hut puffs smoke out into the valley. the lie of the land traps

  sound like a shell and the clear high notes of a voice echo out.

  suspicious that ada is singing, stewart approaches the house quietly.

  through the open kitchen door he sees that the keys of a piano have

  been etched on the table top. while ada 'plays&39;the notes flora sings


  stewart puts his pack down. ada stands to attention, folding the

  tablecloth back over the table.

  5, 6 + 7 see notes


  hello, then.



  ada nods. stewart&39;shand explores the markings on the table. ada

  watches his hand moving under the checked cloth.

  sc 34 int mission house day sc 34

  aunt morag, nessie and two maori girls dressed in proper victorian

  costume are kneeling around a huge double white sheet, sewing and

  cutting it. the maori girls are part of the mission&39;sgood works. they

  are dressed in european style and while their training is in polite

  proper domestic behaviour they constantly corrupt it with their

  demonstrative displays of affection, and their clay tobacco pipes to

  which they are addicted.

  stewart is standing, looking on. baines is behind him in the kitchen

  removing his boots.

  aunt morag

  (looking carefully at stewart)

  well you stopped combing your

  hair, which is a good thing, it

  was looking over done.

  (without pause but referring to

  the sheet) you see these are

  the slits that the heads will

  go through, show him nessie ...

  they&39;llbe dead, the reverend

  is going to use animal blood,

  no doubt it will be very

  dramatic. tea!

  (for nessie rather than to her)


  it will be very dramatic.

  nessie leaves to get the tea. heni, the maori girl with a moku tickles

  mari&39;sback while she sews.

  they sing the anthem in snatches. it is background to the



  (sitting down)

  what would you think if someone

  played a kitchen table like it

  were a piano?

  aunt morag

  like it were a piano?


  it&39;sstrange isn&39;tit? i mean

  it&39;snot a piano, it doesn't

  make any sound.

  nessib puts stewart&39;stea down. baines comes in with his tea cup

  dwarfed in his big hands. he stands back leaning against a wall.

  aunt morag

  (hissing to nessie) biscuits.'

  no, no sound.

  nessie hustles back to the kitchen.


  i knew she was mute, but now

  i&39;mthinking it&39;smore than

  that. i&39;mwondering if she's

  not brain affected.

  aunt morag

  no sound at all?


  no, it was a table.

  aunt morag

  (musing) well, she was very

  violent with the gown. she tore

  off a chunk of lace. if hadn't

  been there i&39;dhave sworn she'd

  used her teeth


  and wiped her feet an it.


  well it has not yet come to

  anything. just a concern.

  aunt morag pats her chest. a calming device.

  aunt morag

  oh, yes, yes of course, a



  there is something to be said

  for silence

  aunt morag

  oh indeed. cotton'.

  she holds her needle up for nessie to thread.


  (warming) and with time she

  will, i&39;msure, become


  aunt morag

  certainly, there is nothing so

  easy to like as a pet and they

  are quite silent.

  baines watches quietly on.

  sc 35 ext stewart&39;swoodchop day sc 35

  stewart is at the woodshop cutting firewood. he displays his

  virtuosity as an axeman, cutting the wood into ever more slender

  pieces, flora is watching and stacking the fallen timber. she flinches

  as the axe hits the wood, but scurries in to pick up the timber.

  baines is standing talking to stewart.


  those 80 acres, that cross the

  stream, what do you think of



  on your property?



  baines carries a log across for stewart who talks without pausing in

  his work,


  good, flatish land with

  reliable water, why? i don't

  have money. what are you about?


  i&39;dlike to make a swap.


  what for?


  the piano.


  the piano on the beach? ada's


  baines nods. stewart stops, this is serious.


  it&39;snot marshy is it?

  stewart has walked a few paces away from his wood chop in the

  direction of the land.




  you&39;dhave to organise it up



  yes, i thought that.


  well baines the music lover, i

  never would have known. hidden

  talents george.


  i&39;llhave to get lessons. it

  wouldn&39;tbe much use without



  yes, i suppose you would.

  baines remains silent. he looks away.


  well ada can play.

  baines shrugs.


  i have it in a letter she plays

  well. she&39;sbeen playing since

  she was 5 or6.

  flora has stopped stacking. she is lying along the top of the wood,

  lifting a leg up and down, watching the men.

  sc 36 int stewart&39;skjtchen day sc 36

  stewart, flushed with his plans, is pouring tea into cups. flora peers

  at cup level through the steam. ada sits beside her at the table.


  i have got us some excellent

  land. baines has taken some

  queer idea to have a piano, and

  you are to give him lessons.

  have you taught before?

  ada signs to flora.


  what on?


  on your piano, that is the


  ala finger signs, her face furious.


  what does she say?


  she says it&39;sher piano, and

  she won&39;thave him touch it.

  he&39;san oaf, he can&39;tread,



  he wants to improve himself...

  and you will be able to play on

  it ... (ada is not responding

  well) teach him to look after


  ada&39;sbreathing becomes heavy with anger, she writes curiously on her


  no! no! the piano is mine! it's


  stewart regards her note and her passion with suspicion and disdain


  (getting up) you can&39;tgo on

  like this, we are a family now,

  all of us make sacrifices and

  so will you.

  you will teach him. i shall see

  to that!

  ada&39;semotions are suddenly removed and she views stewart blankly,

  eerily so.

  sc 37 ext bush from beach day sc 37

  the piano is taken up through the bush by a group of six to eight

  maori men. it&39;svery heavy and awkward and they grunt and struggle

  with it.

  him na ake &39;nunna'.

  (lift up the back)


  tern - tern!

  (ass hole!)

  hei niti niti maan!

  (turning around)

  you lick it.)

  someone stumbles and the back of the piano comes crashing to the

  ground thundering out in the bottom end of the scale. people scatter.

  only one stays who warrior like challenges the piano.

  sc 38 ext path to baines day sc38

  the women duck low to avoid a branch as stewart leads them to baine's

  hut. stewart carries the piano stool. the path slopes up through a

  strange, bearded forest where the tops of trees are bare and ghost



  i&39;dtry children&39;stunes,

  nothing more complicated

  ada is unrepentant, she does not want to teach baines the piano.


  just be encouraging no one expects him to be good.

  sc 39 int/ext baines&39;hut day sc 39

  the piano is the only cared for item in the rough hut


  (lifting the lid) it looks

  good, very nice looking thing.

  well . i wish you luck. the girls

  are very excited about the


  the 'girls&39;look anything but excited. flora shy, plays obsessively

  with a long strand of greasy hair. ada is cold and grim.


  flora will explain anything ada says.

  they talk through their fingers,

  you can&39;tbelieve what they say

  with just their hands.

  stewart leaves. bajnes goes to the piano and lifts the lid. he looks

  at them. ada signs to flora.


  my mother wants to see your

  hands. hold them out.

  baines holds out his hands, spread wide as if holding a ball.

  no, no, like this

  flora puts her neat little fingers together, first with their backs up

  then she turns them over. haines does the same only his bands are big

  and coarse. ada signs to flora. baines is shyly keen.


  you have to wash them.


  they are washed.

  ada signs.


  wash them again.


  the marks do not come out.

  they are scars and hardened


  ada and flora do not move. humiliated baines takes a scrub brush, soap

  and bucket and goes outside. ada can see him from the window. she

  moves to her piano. she wants to touch it but she is torn by her

  feelings, wanting it, but not owning it. she strokes the varnished

  wood with her hand and softly lifts the lid. outside flora stands

  beside baines pointing out hits of his hand he should still scrub.

  furtively she lays her hands on the keys. the instrument is horribly

  out of tune, almost every note is off. she goes outside and signs to



  there&39;sno tune left in the

  piano so she can&39;tteach you.

  the two women leave.

  sc40 ext steep bush hill day sc40

  two men come crashing out down a steep bush hill, they are tied to

  each other. baines, the younger and stronger, is trying to break their

  fall by grasping hold of branches and shoots. finally their fall is

  checked. the old man is white haired, the front of his suit splattered

  with the debris of many meals. he sits up feeling about for his

  glasses. he is blind. his eyes, though closed, wobble and roll baines

  finds the glasses one of the lenses has gone, the other is very dark.

  the old man fits his handkerchief in the gap.

  sc 41 ext hugescree day sc 41

  baines carries the old man on his back, they cross a huge scree. each

  of baines&39;steps dislodge a fall of rocks. the crashing of stones

  echoes across the valley. baines and he are but small dots in this

  giant earth scar

  scene 42 deleted

  sc 43 int baines&39;hut day sc 43

  inside baines&39;hut the old man feels the piano.

  blind man

  ah, a broadbent. a fine

  instrument. i&39;venot come

  across one here, or in the

  islands where i have tuned some

  200. yes, they like their

  pianos there.

  out of his pocket he takes a carefully wrapped tuning fork. he unwraps

  the package, lifts the back and lid and starts to tune. he sniffs the

  air. baines watches, he sniffs close to the keys.

  scent? and salt of course.

  he works on.

  what will you play when it's

  tuned? what music do you play?

  bains looks over at him from the meal he is preparing.


  i can&39;tplay.

  the blind man stops working.

  blind man

  you don&39;tplay?


  no, i can't.

  i&39;mgoing to learn.

  the man goes back to work somewhat depressed by the futility of the


  blind man

  well my dear miss broadbent,

  tuned, but silent.

  scene 44 deleted

  scene 45 deleted

  sc 46 ext baines&39;hut morningsc 46

  a slash of sunlight falls across the piano. thousands of particles of

  dust become visible floating in the air. baines is at the window in

  his shirt/night shirt. he notices the dust on the piano and strips off

  his shirt which he uses as a duster. under the shirt he is naked. as

  he wipes the smooth wood he becomes aware of his nakedness. his

  movements become slower until he is no longer cleaning, but caressing

  the piano.

  sc 47 ext path to baines&39;day sc 47

  on the path to baines&39;house, ada and flora sit in the bush. ada's

  head is bowed. her hands held over her face. flora tries to catch the

  spots of light in her palm as they twinkle through the thick canopy of

  leaves over head.

  sc 48 ext/int baines&39;hut day sc 48

  the door opens. ada and flora stand in their cloaks and bonnets.


  mother says she can&39;tstand to

  teach piano with it all out or

  tune. so i&39;mto do scales.

  ada turns and walks off. flora bustles in. baines watches ada from the



  i hope you&39;vescrubbed your


  flora begins a scale.

  oh, it&39;sin tune.

  she looks over at baines who is still gazing out the window.


  what&39;sout there?

  she gets up to see what baines is looking at. she sees her mother and

  divines baines is looking at nothing.


  you have to watch me where i

  put my fingers.

  flora starts again. ada can only hear the piano faintly but moves

  closer as she too hears it&39;sin tune.

  as she enters the hut baines pulls his fingers away from the piano.

  flora sees this and stops too. she looks at her mother.


  it&39;sin tune.

  ada checks the other notes. flora stands with her arms folded, a bit

  sulky and fluffed up.


  (hissing) i was teaching.

  ada tries the piano. she looks over at baines then signs to flora.


  she wants to see what you can



  i&39;drather not play. i want to

  listen and learn that way.


  everyone has to practice.


  i just want to listen.

  ada is a bit nonplussed. she does not want to be listened to anymore

  than she wants to teach. she pulls a strand of her hair then signs to



  what do you want to hear?

  baiwes shrugs shyly and locks away out the window. he doesn&39;tknow



  ada is slow to start. unobliging as ever she plays scales. but once

  begun her belligerence fades as her absorption in the music


  sc 49 int stewart&39;shut/ada&39;sbedroom night sc 49

  back at stewart&39;shut, ada lies dispirited on the bed. flora lies

  beside her holding ada&39;shand.


  tell me about my real father.

  ada nods and strokes flora&39;shair from her face. flora leans back.

  how did you speak to him?

  ada signs to flora who watches in love with all the stories of her

  mother and unreal father.

  ada (subtitled)

  i didn&39;tneed to speak, i could

  lay thoughts out in his mind

  like they were a sheet


  what happened? why didn&39;tyou

  get married?

  ada continues to sign her hands casting odd animal like shadows on the

  newspapered walls.

  ada cont.

  after a while he became

  frightened and he stopped


  stewart enters their bedroom. flora stops and ada stands against the

  wall. stewart finds the atmosphere curious yet impenetrate.


  shall i kiss you goodnight?

  flora looks up at her mother. ada shrugs.

  stewart nods stiffly, and uncomfortably, he leaves.

  sc 50 ext baines&39;verandah day sc 50

  it&39;sraining heavily, flora sits on the small verandah outside baines'

  hut, her legs stuck straight out into the wet. she is overseeing a

  merciless power game with the dog, forcing it out of the verandah with

  a stick.

  sc 51 int baine&39;shut day sc 51

  ada&39;splaying can be heard inside. baines sits back watching ada. her

  cape on the hook is dripping a puddle on to the floor and there is a

  circle of drips around her skirt hem. she is totally absorbed in her

  piano music as she was on the beach.

  baines watches. her long white neck, now wet from rain, proves

  irresistible. he comes across the room and kisses her. ada jumps up

  and prepares to leave. baines stands in front of the door.


  do you know how to bargain, nod

  if you do.

  she doesn&39;tmove,

  there&39;sa way you can have your

  piano back. do you want it

  back? you want it back?

  ada eyes him suspiciously.


  you see i&39;dlike us to make a

  deal. there&39;sthings i want to

  do while you stay. if you let

  me you can earn it back.

  what do you think, one visit

  for every key.

  ada is tense but she is thinking about it. she holds up a finger then

  points to the black of her dress.


  your dress?

  ada shakes her head.

  skirt ...?

  she walks over to her piano and points to a black key.

  for every black one?

  ada turns raising her head, nodding.

  that&39;sa lot less, half.

  baines is counting the keys. ada starts for the front door.

  all right, all right then, the

  black keys.

  she sits back at the piano. she plays the lowest black key as in

  number one

  she takes her hands off the piano waiting.

  it&39;sbetter that you play.

  obediently she begins, stopping abruptly, indignantly, as he touches

  her neck.


  play... keep playing.

  after a moment she settles back to the piano.

  sc 52 ext baines&39;verandah day sc 52

  outside flora is cradling the poor confused dog, asking him what cruel

  miserable person had sent him out into the cold and wet.

  sc 53 ext riverhole near baines&39;day sc 53

  baines bathes in a riverhole. he is watched by a gathering of maori,

  sometimes with great seriousness, at other times with hilarity. they

  pass between them his clothes, trying them on and mimicking him. one

  of the older women hira crouches close to the bank keeping up a steady

  line of inquiry. her manner is relaxed but focused and persistent. she

  smokes a pipe-


  i got the good wife for you

  peini. she pray good. clean.

  read bible. you sleep her

  peini. she chief daughter.


  no, no bible readers.

  baines continues good humouredly washing.


  why? we need you pakeha clever.

  you sleep her.


  (a big man dressed as a woman)

  (background) i give her plenty

  clever. (gestures sexually)


  i have a wife.


  (camping it up) i give her

  clever eb peini. hallelujah!


  don&39;tanswer, he low born. jun

  look at him, mongrel. your wife

  where she?


  she lives her own life in new

  jersey, america.


  you have spare wife here peini.

  you get rnana for that. our

  chief four wives.

  baines shakes his head amusedly. as he gets out of the river hira

  slaps him.

  i marry white man peini, he a

  whaler like you. he very good

  to me. love me, nurse me.

  hira touches her own face where baines&39;tattoo is.


  who do that? it not finish,

  that no good peini. you finish!

  several people on the bank are taking turns to comb their hair,

  peering into a tiny piece of mirror.

  sc 54 ext/int baines&39;hut day sc 54

  baines&39;dog hears ada and flora approach. it takes off under the

  house. flora calls the dog. it keeps well hidden. ada has gone on

  inside and the door is closed. flora stands outside the door left out

  and lonely. she knocks. baines answers.


  (small voice)

  i want to speak to my mother

  she buries her head in her mother&39;sskirt.

  i don&39;twant to be outside, i

  want to watch.

  ada signs to flora.

  i&39;llbe very quiet.

  ada leads her to the door signing to her

  i won&39;tlook at him!

  flora is shut out.

  sc 55 int baines&39;hut day sc 55

  ada sits at the piano. she is shy and nervous she turns to baines who

  nods. ada begins to play. bainies keeps his head bowed, but as the

  playing becomes more confident he raises his head to watch. he sits

  at a far corner of the room apparently enjoying the whole vision or

  this woman at her piano.

  after some time baines, affected by the music, takes his chair to a

  closer position and from an opposite angle. ada glances up as she

  feels him passing behind her. he seems satisfied to watch. his

  attention finally focuses on her neck as it bends further or closer to

  the piano.

  again he shifts his chair, taking it round the back and to the other

  side of the piano. as he moves ada watches warily. from this position

  be doesn&39;ttry to touch her, but watches, enjoying her fingers moving

  on the keys and the small details of motion on her face. twice he

  closes his eyes and breathes deeply baines is experiencing an

  unpractised sense of appreciation and lust. when his eyes are closed,

  ada glances at him with curiosity and suspicion.

  sc 56 int school hall day sc 56

  flora stands on a kitchen chair. aunt morag and nessie have paused

  from fitting flora&39;sbodice and wire angel wings. they are attempting

  to learn the hand gestures as flora signs:

  &39;ishall listen hard to rehearsal,

  because i live too

  far away to go often.'

  aunt morag

  (suspiciously) which sign is

  the word rehearsal?

  flora deftly demonstrates.

  aunt morag

  i can&39;timagine a fate worse

  than being dumb. turn around.


  to be deaf?

  aunt morag

  oh yes, dear too - terrible!



  actually, to tell you the whole

  truth, mama says most people

  speak rubbish and it&39;snot

  worth the listen.

  aunt morag and nessie exchange looks.

  aunt morag

  (stiffly) well, that is a

  strong opinion.


  yes, it&39;sunholy.

  sc 57 int baines&39;hut day sc 57

  ada is quick to remove a used plate and cup left on top of the piano.

  baines is sitting next to the window, his elbow on the sill, his head

  turned away.


  lift your skirt,

  ada stops playing. she turns to him. thinks about it then slowly lifts

  her skirt a little to show her boots.

  lift it higher.

  ada pulls the skirt up fractionally so the top other boots are


  bainies nods ada starts to play again, not so confidently as before.

  baines moves close, he goes down on his knees to watch her feet on the




  ada doesn&39;thear.

  lift it higher.

  she stops and lifts her skirt to her knees. she looks at baines with

  ill-disguised contempt. baines is enthralled with her legs, or what he

  can now see of them. he moves back to watch them from behind. he's

  lying on the ground, head propped on his arm. ada&39;sslim stockinged

  calves work the pedals, one of the stockings has a small hole through

  which her white skins shows

  sc 58 ext mission house grounds dusk sc 58

  heni holds stewart&39;shorse near a wooden gate. its wet coat steams in

  he night air, making the whole horse glow. heni talks softly to it in


  sc 59 int mission house night sc 59

  inside the reverend is closely watched by stewart, aunt morag and

  nessie as he cuts out the shape of an axe from a piece of marbled

  cardboard. a lamplight flickers warm tones across their faces while

  the rest of the room is dark giving it a conspiratorial air.


  nessie, your hand out ... out

  here, please.


  oh, no use mr stewart, i can't



  nessie, please.

  nessie hesitatingly puts her arm out towards him and the reverend

  chops away in the air two feet in front other, nessie looks at aunt

  morag puzzled.