
《Unit 3 Language in use》语法解析

there be 句型的用法

如果要表达……地方有……”该用什么句型呢?一般应采用there be句型。


There is an apple on the desk.桌子上有个苹果。

There are many students on the playground.操场上有很多学生。

There is still some water in the cup.杯子里还有一些水。

从以上句子可以看出,there be句型的结构一般为“there is/are+某物/人+地点”,表示某地方有某物,也可以表示某地方有某人。

如果要表达某地没有某物或某人,或者询问什么地方是否有某物或某人时,就要用到there be句型的否定和疑问形式。在there be句型中,从句法结构上讲there为主语,所以其疑问形式是将be提至there之前,构成 is there/are there的句式,而否定形式仍是在be后面加not。


There is a computer on the desk.
There isn't a computer on the desk.
Is there a computer on the desk?
Yes,there is.
No,there isn't.
There is some food on the table.
There isn't any food on the table.
Is there any food on the table?
Yes,there is.
No,there isn't.
There are some students on the playground.
There aren't any students on the playground.
Are there any students on the playground?
Yes,there are.
No,there aren't.

可以看出,there be句型的变化形式与第一模块中be的变化形式相似,只是要注意系动词be的形式变化一般视其后面名词的单复数而定。

注意:there is/are用于表示现在某个地方有某物或某人时,所表示的物或人都是泛指,而非特指。

There is some water in the botle.瓶子里有水。

There are many students in the classroom.教室里有很多学生。

Unit 3 Language in use